Updated on March 23rd, 2023
People get emotional on the subject of designer handbags for teenagers. People meaning teens. And also their parents.
The following passage originally came from a Wall Street Journal article on the targeting of teens for luxury items like designer bags, cars, etc.
Driving the shift is a generation of young people often called the teenage “millennials” — the adolescents and young adults born in the late-1980s to mid-90s. Of course there have always been teens who were focused on the “right” designer names, and marketers striving to sway them. (Remember Brooke Shields in her Calvins?) But apparel makers and retailers say the affluent millennials are particularly notable for their brand consciousness. Surrounded by brand references from Web sites, rap music, movies, magazines and MTV — and showered with the best of everything by their baby boomer parents — these young consumers have grown up knowing the difference between Prada and Ralph Lauren from an early age.
Wall Street Journal
So let’s get right to the essential question: does a 13-year-old need a Louis Vuitton purse?
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Teens & designer labels
I agree that teens wanting designer labels isn’t anything new — I remember begging for a pair of Gibraud jeans and working my butt off for a Ralph Lauren Polo button-down shirt. But I’m concerned about the apparent entitlement that many teens feel in regards to designer labels and the apparent lack of a backbone by parents to say no.
It’s the job of teenagers to push and it’s the job of parents to set boundaries. However, when it comes to designer goods, it seems like parents just can’t say no anymore. For example, one guy in the WSJ article even stated “If they keep their grades up, it is hard to say no.”
I was a straight-A student, got a full academic scholarship to a great school, and my parents had absolutely no problem saying no. In fact, I think they secretly plotted new and creative ways to say “no” to my irrational, teenage requests.
I mean, why does your 13-year-old (or a 20, or 30, or 40) HAVE to have a $700 handbag or a BMW before they even learn what a responsibility it is to drive? Plus, always rewarding good behavior with an extravagant gift probably doesn’t teach a very good lesson to your teen. There are times in life that you do good things and you receive no reward other than the fact you did well, which apparently doesn’t compare to a new Dooney & Bourke bag.
As parents, you can reward kids for good grades in other ways. Try going out for a nice dinner with the whole family or taking a hike together, for example. Fun activities for teens don’t have to involve consumerism. Thinking it does probably creates a generation of spoiled consumers with very unrealistic expectations about life.
Designer bags, and then what?
Anyone who’s ever watched MTV’s Sweet Sixteen knows exactly what I’m talking about. A $50,000 party and new Jaguar for a spoiled 16-year-old? Please. What do they have to look forward to when they graduate from college? A small town and a Rolls Royce? If you have a million dollar bar (or bat) mitzvah, are you going to have a $2 million wedding? Where does it end? Seems like everything else in their lives will be downhill in comparison.
Designer items are not a human right. They are nice and I love a good bag as much as the next person, but I also have a job.
Which handbag brands do teens love most?
This post was original published on Budget Fashionista ages ago, but it’s still relevant today. You can even find stats on which designer bags teenagers love most. According to Statista, the most popular handbag brand among teens are:
- Michael Kors, preferred by 18% of teens
- Louis Vuitton (16%)
- Coach (14%)
- kate spade (12%)
- Gucci (6%)
I will say I find the list surprising. Michael Kors, for example? Those bags seem so subdued in style that it’s odd teens love them so much.
How to buy designer handbags for teens
Perhaps you came across this post in need of a reasonable, teen-appropriate handbag. Now that I’ve vented on what NOT to buy (a $300+ bag with a logo), let’s get to the question of what type of handbag you could buy a 13-year-old.
Practically speaking, her tastes are going to change fast. Maybe before this season’s over. But you can’t buy a super-cheap, fast-fashion bag from Walmart or Target because her friends will call her out. Kids are mean that way.
Sadly, you probably should also steer clear from designers’ bridge lines — these are the lower-end versions of designer labels. Examples: Lauren by Ralph Lauren and Armani Exchange.
If your teen is a creative individualist, you might get away a quirky (and more affordable) brand like Betsey Johnson or Fiorucci. If you shop the sales, you *might* keep your outlay down near $70. Also see this designer handbag buyer’s guide for more ideas.
A second option is to shop the stores that carry designer brands for less in hopes of finding a gem. Try:
Of course, going this route doesn’t really send the right message unless you tell your teen you bought it at a budget store. Same goes for buying used at TheRealReal or Poshmark. In other words, if you can’t tell the kid that a $300+ bag is not an option, you’re better off giving her a gift card. The smart and determined ones will save up the gift cards to get the bag they want.
I think if kids work and save for the money that’s fine. I got my first Coach purse saving up. My parents didn’t have to pay at all. And theres a bit of a difference between louis vuitton and dooney and burke. A lot of kids also get fakes. Pretty much every Louis Vuitton you see in high school is guaranteed to be a fake. Especially since they are so hard to find. And the fact that they’re 2000-3000. That’s very pricy for even super rich kids. The rich kids are more likely to buy excessive amounts of Coach. And designer jeans.
As I said before, kids should have to work for designer goods, not just have it handed to them. I think rewards for good grades should be given, but not that much. And it should be more for improvement than anything.
I agree. I hate Coach its kind of trashy in my opinion. Im also 12 and have a Chanel bag.
Ok. First of all not necessarily all Louis Vuitton bags are fake in high school. And there are many price ranges of lv’s. Some less than 1000 some for example, the never fall tote is quite popular and stylish is $1260. Everyone is different, their family situation could be different and it all depends on the parents or the kid.
What’s the name of this article? I’ve been trying to find it but to no avail, definitely looks very interesting
I think part of the difference is that when we were younger, designers didn’t make collections at all, never mind nice, for kids. For example – I really haven’t seen one single thing in say Phat Farm, that I would wear or carry, but Kimora’s clothes for little girls are really adorable. And while I never, ever pay full price for her stuff, because I know how and where to shop, I can certainly see how a child growing up wearing these things would feel entitled to make the next step to designer bags etc… not saying its right, but I can see how it happens. My daughter has 7 for all Mankind jeans, etc… and they are cute to death, but again I wouldn’t pay $100+ for them – I got them for less than 25% of the price… but that doesn’t mean she is getting a LV for her 13th birthday unless its a hand me down. I got a Coach bag for my 16th birthday – this was in the 80’s – but I also got a very detailed lesson about buying quality etc….. and yes I still have and use that bag 22years later. So getting the expensive item itself isn’t the problem, its the failure to teach the kids the value of money IMO….
As the parent of three kids, now young adults. I would say that part of the problem with the “entitlement” attitude of millenials is that the parents have not taught them to be intelligent consumers.
As much fun as fashion is, let’s face it, the point of the ads is to get you to buy something. And impulsively buy it at that.
But solving the problem is easy. You say to the kids, from a very young age, that you will NOT buy them anything (including cereal) if they ask for it immediately after seeing an ad for the item.
They ask because the ad compells them to ask, and parents give in. Since we are bombarded by ads, there’s plenty to ask for, and it’s easy to give in.
When my kids were little we just told them, they couldn’t ask and didn’t explain why. As they got older we explained the reasons behind this.
My daughters (18 & 23) love fashion. but they are smart. Not only about advertising but about quality in clothing, price, value, and fashion. They developed their own styles and read fashion magazines all the time.
But because my husband and I took the time to teach them how to be intelligent readers and viewers, and how to look for value, no matter what the cost, they buy intellignetly and thriftily.
Janet Perry
I couldn’t agree more with you! It’s disgusting the way that young people (and I’m 20 so I see this all the time) feel entitled to luxuries that their parents worked for decades to be able to enjoy! Your point about it all going downhill after you’ve already been given everything you’d want is a great one- I know of other college kids who go out to 4 star NYC restaurants on weekends with friends or get bottle service at the top clubs, go on vacation whenever they want and buy any designer name without a second thought. You wonder what they have to look forward to in life when they’ve already experienced the most lavish luxuries before they graduate college.
I’m in my 20s and my parents, when I was little, gave me an allowance each week. And to buy anything at all I had to save up for it. Its taught me to budget for the things I want. For good grades or deeds all I got was just “good job” from my parents. But I grew up with friends from affluent families where designer was a way of life. One of my childhood friends wasn’t allowed to wear anything unless there was a designer name attached. When her things got dirty from messing around her mom would just shrug. Admittedly I was jealous of her things but looking back now, I’m glad I wasn’t just another overindulgent brat.
The article’s name was “Bubble Gum at Bergdorf’s”. Excellent read.. especially for parents
Designer and expensive isn’t new to teens and preteens but the relative cost is.
“Would you like fries with that” wages haven’t gone up to match the difference between a Le Sportsac handbag and a Prada.
Then again, I think what you’re saying, K, is pretty much what our parents said—“Kids these days! In my day, it was harder!”
You can get free online access to the Wall Street Journal and those other subscription sites with a netpass from: https://news.congoo.com
I saw this on CNBC and thought it was a great tip!
Teen Vogue is probably the most harmful publication to girls with it’s boney models and the Channel bags and other majorly expensive stuff in there.
BTW, when I was young my mom told me she’d pay for clothes I needed not things just to be fashionable.
I totally feel that kids should save up their own money to get these expensive things. When I was a teen, my parents made sure that I knew the value of money. They wanted me to know that good things cost money, but that you can’t always have the best things. I still grew up wanting the most expensive things, but now that I’m an adult, making my own money, I don’t go blowing it on the finer things in life (well, all the time…). Kids need to learn responsibility and they shouldn’t just be handed everything they want. Life doesn’t work like that.
It’s up to the parents whether or not they choose to purchase high-end goods for THEIR children. I have a soon-to-be 15 year old daughter. She has a LV and she’s getting a Coach pochette for her 15th b’day. Did you catch the key word there: Birthday! I have good kids and they DESERVE special items on their special days. As a parent, as long as “business” is handled, nothing wrong with spoiling your children. Why should they only have the bare minimum?!
It’s up to the parents whether or not they choose to purchase high-end goods for THEIR children. I have a soon-to-be 15 year old daughter. She has a LV and she’s getting a Coach pochette for her 15th b’day. Did you catch the key word there: Birthday! I have good kids and they DESERVE special items on their special days. As a parent, as long as “business” is handled, nothing wrong with spoiling your children. Why should they only have the bare minimum?!
“Does Your Thirteen Year Old Need a Louis Vuitton Purse?”
Hell no way.
RIGHT ON!!! As a high school teacher I have seen this trend rapidly escalate over the past ten years. It’s a treat for me (a thirtysomething) to spend $75 on something just for me so when I see a fifteen year old with that same new item every season I wish I could talk some sense to their parents. Are we teaching our kids to find intrisic value in anything or that you must be rewarded to feel worthy?
BF, I couldn’t agree with you more!
When I was little (like 6 years old), my mom, my older cousin, and my grandma all had Coach bags and I wanted one like crazy. I used to read my mom’s catalogs and check off all the bags I wanted. Needless to say, what the hell does a six-year-old need with a Coach bag? Anyway, my mom told me she only gave one to my 20-something cousin because she had a job, and she promised me when I got my first job, I could get a Coach bag, which at the time seemed fair, though it also seemed like forever away. Of course, I had to contend with the rich ####### in my schools who perpetually got Coachs bestowed unto them.
Eventually I get get my beloved Coach, though my mom, she kinda fudged it, since she gave me a Coach gift certificate for the Christmas before I graduated college. But I feel good that I came into my Coach by earning it and getting my B.A. Now I bring it out for special occasions, like parties and job interviews.
Erica- having a bag from Hype or a another “less” popular brand isn’t the bare minimum. The bare minimum is not being able to afford ANY bag so that you’re family can eat.
I’m in no way saying that kids shouldn’t have special items.. as a aunt I totally spoil my niece and nephew.. what I’m saying is that if you have everything at age 15, what do you have to look forward to? Hermes bag? I’ve seen many parents get caught in this trap of trying to top themselves each year with gifts..
This writer is right. Our culture is saying pushes designer labels and fancy cars so much that teens think it’s the norm. Companies are marketing to younger teens, like Lindsey Lohan modeling crayon inspired Dooney and Burke bags. And super sweet sixteen shows how much parents won’t say no, buying Hummers and BMWs to teens that can’t even drive yet. A 15 year old does not deserve or need a LV purse.
I think what a lot of teens want is to be accepted and having an LV purse (which I think is ugly) will make them feel better. It
If I had a child that wanted a Louis Vuitton purse they could go out there and get a job and work for it. Oh please what 13 year old needs designer merchandise?
By buying into labels you are not only buying into the branding ideology but are basically teaching kids to conform to marketing and advertising. Parents should focus more in promoting individualism and independent thought rather then these minions who need to shop in order to feel good about themselves. There is more too life than a Louis Vuitton bag or the latest brand in jeans. Parents should reward their children without the help of their credit card.
I think that the idea of giving a thirteen-year-old a Louis Vuitton purse is ludicrous… giving a kid some reasonably priced designer stuff is okay, but not a freakin’ brand-new Louis! Example: my mother bought me designer stuff when it looked good on me, didn’t cost an arm and a leg, and would last a long time – not because it was THE designer label to have. (Bear in mind that we shop at outlets – which are ridiculously cheaper than department or main stores – and “discount” stores like Ross.)
It’s not a crime for a teenager to have a designer bag, but it IS a crime for a teenager to get a brand-new one just because the teen (or her parents) feel like they owe it to her somehow. In the interest of full disclosure, I had a Louis bag in high school (real, thank you very much, and only worn to places like church and field trips to the opera) but the only reason why I did is because my mother had moved on to a new bag a long time ago and she’d been using the LV since I was born… it’s like an heirloom of sorts. She taught me that there IS more to life than luxury goods, but they’re nice to have if you can get them. Plus, if you take care of the goods properly and you become poor (or tired of them) you can always sell them for some cash. hehe.
im 24 and a high school teacher and i have seen a great difference between the way parents interact with children now than the way they did when i was in school.
Parents are giving in to childrens desires out of a guilty feeling they have because they work all day and have very little time or energy to deal with their kids. its just easier to give them what they want, and have them be happy, than to tell them no, and have them be upset the few moments you ARE able to spend with them.
the marketing of these products does not take advantage of kids, kids will always want things they see, it takes advantage of parents who cant say no.
parents need to be parents so kids can be kids.
by the way, im not saying that you shouldnt give your kid what they want, you should consider it when it is appropriate.
remember, in everything you do, you are teaching by example.
You are so right!!! There is absolutely no reason that parents should be overindulging their children with expensive bags and clothes. The problem I find most disturbing is that children grow up without realizing that designer handbags cost hard earned money, and these things will not always be handed to them. I’m 25, and I see friends of mine who received these kind of expensive items when they were younger and are still trying to buy them for themselves, despite they fact that they don’t have the budget for them. They struggle to pay the bills, but are buying $300 jeans? This makes no sense.
Of course, I find it to be a totally different situation entirely when you work hard, save your money, and buy something you want for yourself. In this case, whether you are a teenager or a working woman, more power to you.
No,i think a 13 year old doesnt need a fake or Original whatever LV bag first of all.and even if she does itz better to earn her own one at that age or rather not argue for it anymore.Parents should not spoil their kid with one.
I am a thirteen year old and I don’t know what i believe. it is special for kids to recieve gifts from their parents (especially when they are expensive gifts) but it is a treat. there comes a time when a parent has to draw the line, especially if their kid is always spoilt.
that was my friend dom, don’t listen to her XD hahaha jk. (I am 14 by the way) I think that kids don’t need louis vuitton products. If they really want these accesories i think it is acceptable to let them save up for it with there pocket money, or at least go halve with them. They need to learn that they can’t get everything they want, and sometimes they have to work for the things they want.
(but it is still exciting to get gifts) XD
Ally: but they don’t have to be as expensive as louis vuitton
Dom: EXACTLY (but gifts are still nice) bahaha
Ally:So we are in agreement then =D
this is dom and earlier on i was talking with ally. I get designer stuff from my parents and i have a LV purse but i only recieved it for good things i do…and the only reason i have the purse is because my aunt got it from her boy friend but they broke up so she gave it to me. even then i had to get an a+ in one of my projects to get my hands on it. So designer stuff is good, but it isn’t a necessity, so reward kids for stuff and if they want it make them save up. DONT DEPRIVE YOUR KIDS! lol
Seriously, this is totally rediculous.
First off, those “designer” bags nowadays are so incredibly HIDEOUS!!! Unfortunately, we live in a culture where any ugly thing touched by “celebrities” (usualy talentless ones who found their way to the top by sleeping with directors or etc) becomes idolized. Encouraging kids to get those dumb bags not only promote the desire for horrible fashion but also promote glorifying the prostitutes who lack talent (since those are the ones endorsing things like those ugly bags).
Second thing, teenagers need to learn the value of money and working. It’s just so sad to see that the biggest thing that a teenager desires is an ugly bag while the whole family can barely get by paying its mortgage and such. As soon as the fashion season changes, that $1000 bag the teen mangaged to hustle up will nolonger be any good. Probably, by then, the family’s out on the street or really really broke at least.
Seriously, where does this end? The kid never grows up to go to college to become anything? Who never sees a world beyond some ugly bag? By the time the child becomes of age and leaves the home, how’s that bag going to help when the child has little to no money? I guess help the child survive as a bag lady?
I’d never buy my kids those ugly bags not only because they’re ugly and endorsed by glorified prostitutes but also because there’s way more in live than ugly bags; there’s the value of money and hard work.
I think that if the teen saves up, or uses pocket money that it is perfectly acceptable. Teenagers should be able to spend their money on whatever they want-to an extent. Blowing their college money for an LV is way to extreme. But, as long as the teen gets a job or saves up for it, it should be fine.
I wonder what the transition is like when kids graduate college and have to get a job and buy their own things…or do their parents still buy them stuff when they’re adults? Because if they don’t, then the change could be really shocking…in a good way.
No, no one NEEDS a LV purse. People just want them.
Sometimes, I think parents find it easier to just give in to everything rather than to actually do their job as parents, and TEACH kids the things they need to know. As in, stuff costs money and you’ve got to work to get it.
Im a 15 year old girl and i believe that teenagers SHOULD have these things. I know back then things was different for you guys but its a newer generation and you have to understand that THINGS ARE DIFFERENT. nowadays if you dont have that stuff your lame. point blank. so if the parents buy top designer clothes and have no problem oh well. some of you are right, no one neeedsss a good brand name but thats how fashion is today.
trust me, this is coming from a person who goes to highschool herself and see everything.
When i was younger my parents & I were middle class people. We lived well, but growing as a teenager i wanted expensive things like LV, Gucci, Coach,etc. I begged my parents, but they wouldn’t give me none of it. Know dat im older an have way MORE MONEY (my husband owns several companies throgh out Mexico) I have all my expensive LV & im happy…But i did not jst get them for not doing nothing i had to go to to college & open my business, so teens dont need A LV or Prada they need to work for what they want & learn the value of money…
very interesting opinions, I am 15, own a LV speedy 35 in mon-monogram which is custom, LV coin purse, and many more pointless brands. Yes pointless. And before you title me as spoiled here’s a quick recapp of my life: 2 jobs & an honour student. I bought myself my macbook but my parents gave into my purse, I think the uniqueness is the initials on the front and that separates it from an other handbag, also it is something I will use for a long time regardless of any future designer bags. I think I am at the age where I use a purse everyday and I am responsible enough to have an LV and invest in one too. So what its worth 10 bucks but costed 1000! Good value comes from when something is used a lot. Its not like I bought it and use it once every now and then. F or the record I don’t take it to school because: 1. could get stolen 2. It’s bragging
Also, I love fashion and the beautiful runway designs so for me it was very exciting versus someone who has no interest in such things.
Point is there is no right or wrong with teens owning designer labels, it’s up to the parents to decide (even after lots, lots & LOTS of begging)!
hi, im 14 and i have a LV speedy 30 and a gucci. and yes, i know the value of money, i paid for half of the gucci myself and i am not spoiled i do not cry and sulk and throw a tantrum if i dont get what i ask for, i dont see why teens owning designer items is such a big issue. if the teenager is grateful and takes really good care of the designer item then i dont see what the big issue is. i know that not everyone can afford things like this but if you can affort to buy it for yourself or your child then you should be able to spend YOUR money withouut feeling guilty or getting haters because OTHER PEOPLE cannot afford to buy what you are buying.
im 14 and my mom got me the louis vuitton neverfull bag literally yesterday. I know im spoiled but I’m not a brat. I dont cuss, yell, roll my eyes at my single mother. I definately love and respect her, she’s my bff. btw im not anything like the everyday disrespctfull teenager, i also get good grades. Anyways, I managed to get a summer program scholorship to an IVY legue school and it was really hard to get into. for example 800 students applied and they only accepted 30. So, my family and I think it was a really big deal. And my mom said she would buy me a present as reward and i saw this $775 bag and thought my mom would never get it but two weeks later she did.
anyways im having second thoughts. i dont want ppl to assume its fake cus its definately not( i got in the store), and i dont want ppl to be like oh she probably one of those spoiled brat. Im 14 for crying out loud..you guys are right its pretty ridiculous, but i do like it and feel like i deserved it but i just dont want to be labeled becus of the labels i own. pls comment im so iffy about it:(
Well Alexis.. First congrats! It is really up to your parents and if they can afford it, then who are we to judge. The key here is to make sure your parents can truly afford to buy you the bag (versus using a credit card or struggling to give you a designer handbag). Since you are 14, and getting close to college, it might be better to ask your parents to put that money towards your college fund (a year of books for college costs about the same as that single handbag), so that you’ll be in the position to buy your own designer handbags. and take a lower level designer (Dooney Burke, Kate Spade) instead.
Yanna, I’m sorry, but your talking CRAP.
I’m a teen too. In fact, I’m 13. September 8th I’m becoming 14.
No TEEN “needs” a designer stuff. NO. I’m serious.
To be accepted you need to be nice, cool, and have a ok wardrobe , AKA aeropostale, bleh bleh, bleh. NO GUCCI. NO CHANEL. NO DOLCE & GABBANA. and NO VERA WANG.
I mean, hello? My friend got D&G sunglasses and broke them the next day. That’s when fakes come in. Teens (as in others, im a bit obsessed, so I can) can’t tell the difference. Buy your teen a fake if they sooooooooo complain.
Or do like me, I got almost $1000 worth of hi-f designers for about 10-15 dollars.
God. We don’t need expensive crap. We need TRENDY crap.
When we lived in a super-exclusive Chicago suburb, many 13 year olds carried Coach bags to school. Vuittons didn’t start showing up until high school. Ridiculous, but true.
Parents who don’t prepare their own children 4 the possibility of not being able to live a “LV” lifestyle are doing them a definite disservice. Lessons in knowing how to cope no matter what are priceless! & where are they going to college? the local 2 yr. school? That’s just ridiculous! A handbag over $700 for a teenager? Common!
Alexis……U sound lk a great kid:) just the fact that u r rethinking it means to ne that u r not spoiled. Honey, keep it. Don’t feel bad. Don’t wry about other ppls opinion. Look, I won’t spend that kind of money on a purse for my kids and I can easily afford it. I do invest a lot of money into their education via priva te schools and had an in ground pool put in this summer for them ( I will benefit too of course)what no one is realizing is we all spend crazy amounts of money on our kids just in different ways. Mine goes to different things and some just want a purse:) I am not big on brand name purses for my kids but they can hv mine as hand me downs . It wld be cheaper to get them a 700$ bag over a 50,000 pool and 6000 in tuition a yr . But again that is where u choose to invest.
Keep ur bag, don’t let others get u down. Ur not the kid ppl in this forum r talking about.
Alexis….. Ps u r a kid. Do not wry about ur parents. A child shld nvr wry about their parents finances! Ur job is to b a good kid,
No one in the world “needs” a Louis Vuitton. In fact, if we want to break it down to basics, the only things humans need are food, water and oxygen. However, in this day and age, society has convinced us that we “need” designer bags and clothes and shoes, when in reality, we don’t. Now, don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Louis Vuitton. IMO, you pay for what you get for, and while I’m 100% for going to walmart and buying a $5 tote, I know that it’ll last me about a 6 months (I’m in college and use it for books.) I got my LV Neverfull GM when I transferred from my local community college to a state university (paid with by my OWN MONEY!) and it is amazing. It carries my books, binder and laptop with room to spare, and it has held up amazingly. So yes, I nearly dropped a grand on this bag, and yes, I do realize that technically I didn’t “need” it, but I bought it anyways because I wanted a quality bag that I knew would last me for that half a year.
Does a 13 year old need a LV bag? Maybe, maybe not. But the fact is, a LV isn’t just “some purse”, its a quality designer bag that will hold up and last forever with proper care. Thinking in longer terms is key when investing in desginer products. Yes, you may pay an arm and leg, but think about how long that purse will last you and how timeless the classic monogram patter is.
When I have children, I will have no hesitation with buying them designer products, because I own them myself. However, they will ONLY get desginer products when they can prove to me that they are mature enough to take proper care of it. I’m not gonna buy a 13 year old a LV if they can’t even take care of the walmart tote they have. Do I expect a walmart bag to last forever? No. Do I expect them to bust their ass taking care of it and not just leave it on the floor for my dog to chew on? Hell Yes.
For all of you who are saying the kid should save up thier pocket money…how much pocket money are you giving your kids?! It would take most kids a long time to save up a grand on normal pocket money also the point of pocket money is to teach kids to budget- saving all your pocket money for a handbag isnt going to equip you for the real world either.
Those of you who think that giving a 13 yr old an LV handbag is going to ruin them because “everything will go downhill from there” if you can afford to spend money on designer things for your kids (after your own of course) then they’re probably going to have a trust fund and will be fine.
Brands have always been important to kids in my teens it was Nikes, Polo’s and Nautica which were relitavely expensive considering theyre just tracksuit pants & shirts! But the worst part of the trend of being a princess (thanks Ms Hilton) isnt the desire for designer goods its the bratty attitute, and whoreish behaviour that goes with it.
A real LV purse is too expensive for the girls at 13. By the way, it is also too difficult for the parents who have no much money. Everyone wants to own herself LV. Why not buy a replica one? I just bought one two weeks ago. I t cost me $145. We don’t need to worry about the quality. Quality is perfect.
If you want to buy a replica LV handbag, I advice you to go to http://www.accvv.com. I bought mine from it.
i am twelve i have dooneys , bcbg, guess,verry expensive shoe colection like 79$$$ per shoe, im working on getting a lv , but geuss what i pay for every thing exsept my shoe colection . my mom bought me cashmere ralph lauren . i dont think it is a big desl to rep your self in a good way so what if it means making sacrifices it gives your your kids more responsobilit and although it seems shallow comin from a 12 yr old but it makes us feel like u trust us if u you have a good kid with good grades and keeeps clean there is nothing wrong with giving them a little coach bag and then when they are my age maybey a mk bag or around 300 dollars or give them an alowance at leat do you want your kids to never have anny finantial independence im getting a debit card as stupid as it seems 4 a 12 yr old to have a debit card its not ok to have a bunch of rolled up bills in your wallet and then have to count it all out NOT COOL …………….. and omg dont even get me started about heels a 31/2 inch heel is no diferent than a 3 and a half inch wedge and what makes a small heeel more “womanly ” than a 3and a half inch wedge !!! illlllllllllllllll tell u its sterio type women are always drawn with a purse and a pare of heels what make a lv purse sooooo bad 4 a 13 yr old if they bought it them selves chilll parents its just a purse its just more expensive and u cant find another like it makeas a teen feel special in this day were every one is competitive purses like this make teens feel independand and confedent if u parents would wake up heels are normal on 13 yr olds now its in the mags its in the school so what makes it a crime to wear them you sertanly arnt going to hell for it HEEEL ARE NOT JUST FOR WOMEN NOW nether are designer clothes WAKE UP PARENTS IT IS NOT THE 50S
I feel that people really overreact when it comes to the topic of money. I not to brag but I got my first Louis Vuitton when I was nine years old. It hasn’t changed my outlook on life. I still greatly appreciate the things I have, my first LV still looks great after many years of continuous use. My view is, if the child is mature enough and the parents have enough money to buy the child the item without struggling I say why not? Or if the parents prefer, make the child save up money to earn the item.
I am fourteen years old.
I stumbled upon this article when I was searching Google, because I would like a designer handbag soon (Christmas! :3)–it’s on a list I made of stuff I want to get prior to high school.
I agree with Bianca, people really do overreact when it comes to the topic of money. It is quite insulting to hear adults suggest that teenagers nowadays like me are spoiled brats who don’t know the true meaning of money. We aren’t all like that, and I am quite sure I am not either. I am an honors student in eighth grade, taking a high school-honors algebra course, and I am thankful for everything my mother has bought for me.
It is because of such thoughts that I feel insanely guilty every time my mom and dad do something for me–I say “thank you” for every meal and purchase and vow to fill them with luxuries as soon as I can make money.
Sure, my parents buy many things for me, but there are kids like me who are gracious for what they have and hope to fulfill their parents wishes because we are so thankful for them. Though our parents may buy more than others’ parents did for you back then, we won’t NOT understand the meaning of money and value just because we are “spoiled.” (Besides, we are just teens! Give us a few years when we grow up and start making money, and that will change people’s views of “spoiled brats” upside down.)
Alot of you sound really uneducated.
If a 13-year-old does good, they deserve anything they want. My 12 year old has a prada, louis vuitton, coach, and a marc jacobs……and we aren’t even rich
I’m 12 years old and I’m asking for a coach tote as my upcoming birthday present because I’ll be using it as a school bag but if I don’t get it then I am more than willing to pay for the bag all on my own by babysitting and doing chores. It’s an insult when people are stereo typing all teens in to the spoiled brat group.
Does anyone think that’s ridiculous?
Does Your Thirteen Year Old Need a Louis Vuitton Purse?In economic terms, no. Technically no one “NEEDS” a Louis Vuitton purse. Could we live without a $1000 purse? Hell fucking yes. Unless we’re going to literally die without it, all of our needs are technically wants. Do I believe that children, preteens, and teenagers should be carrying around such expensive bags? No. Sure I’m jealous of those kids who are showing off theirs, but that’s another story. However, if the child can PAY for the bag themselves, then by all means, go for it. I won’t stop my future child from spending his/her earned money the way (s)he wants to.
Absolutely agree with the writer of this article. I am 12, almost thirteen, and I have NO designer items. Not that I don’t want them! What I think is a MUCH better habit for teens is to work for the bag, or to scout around and find one at a thrift shop if they have the time. Look, if your parents are going to spend $775 for a Chanel bag, why don’t you tell them, “Can you take me shopping at this thrift store instead?” Or pitch in and help or find sales on those bags. Great places to find lesser designers are at Ross, TJ Maxx and Burlington, and online there is Bluefly, Yoox, and Century 21. Fellow teenage fashionistas, please consider this. When you are 20+ you won’t have a parent around to lavish you with designer stuff to your heart’s content. WORK, whether it means saving money or not.
Regardless, I am 15, and a guy. I own a LV belt, Josh Damier Backpack, and a wallet. I have a variety of designer items yet still continue to help others in my community, making at least one persons day per day. The fact that I can’t wear my beloved backpack without people who most likely can’t even afford LV trash talk is oblivious, and I truly hope you people get a promotion at your job so your perspective completely changes. Not to mention I’m an A student as well, and wouldn’t have been able to get any of my items without working hard in school to be able to afford items like these in the future, of course after I have no student loans left and have all my NEEDS first controlled. Please don’t assume ones situation due to the items they have.