Updated on October 21st, 2021
Lawrence “The Fashion Guy” Zarian is busy spreading fashion tips to style hungry masses on shows like “Extra” and “Regis and Kelly.” The former model, now fashion guru, sits down with Budget Fashionista to dish some of top style tips, along with his love of Marshall’s and TJ Maxx.
Lawrence Zarian Bio
Lawrence S. (don’t ask) Zarian
My job is to make over America, one person at a time.
Place of Birth:
Glendale, CA
Current Home:
Nosy questions
Can we call you Larry?
That is reserved only for Joan Rivers and Nora Flora.
Why fashion? Why not a doctor or a lawyer?
Fashion, because blood makes me queasy and I still haven’t recovered since Rosalind Shays ate it on LA Law.
Your Dad was the mayor of your hometown. Did you ever give him fashion tips, like “Dad, the red tie says power” or “Dad, three button suit communicates a connection with the people”?
At that time, the Republican could only take so much, my passion for fashion wasn’t at the top of Papa Z’s list. For the record, many an Armani tie were given to the mayor, and he is doing better.
Where did “The Fashion Guy” name come from? Do you answer to it?
Its chyron was created by the lovely Ramey Warren Black. Is the red light on?
Okay, I have to ask this or my readers will kill me. Are you single or attached?
Married to fashion, but looking for an affair.
The Fashion Guy thoughts on fashion
Everyone knows that New York and LA have great deals on designer goods… However, where can the 98% of America, who do not live in these cities find fabulous designer deals?
Run don’t walk to Marshall’s and TJ Maxx, a Fashion Guy favorite! I said run don’t walk, the more time you spend, the more money you save. If you don’t have these gems in your town, find off-price retailers that give you 20-60% off department store prices. These companies buy in bulk and have special agreements with everyone, which is why then can slash those designer price tags.
Most men we know just head to the nearest rack, pick up a shirt, pay for it and are home in time to see Star Trek re-runs on Spike TV. On that note, we think you have to train them on the art of shopping while they’re young… I’ve already started with my 2-year-old nephew, who has a surprisingly good sense of fabrics. What are some guidelines that women (and men) could use to gently guide men into taking a more holistic approach to shopping?
Meditation, and a lot of deep breaths. Men are individual and won’t go out of their “safe place”. Start with a beer and see where that get’s you.
Do you think style is innate or taught?
Style evolves.
You have done a billion makeovers, what are some tips for women who may want a television makeover, without the embarrassment?
Go to your local department store, leave your ego/baggage/insecurities in the car and have a sales associate dress you in what THEY think you will look best in. Buy at least one piece and introduce in to your wardrobe. You MUST wear the new piece within a week or it will get lost in the other closet clutter.
If you could give one Fashion Public Service Announcement—a statement regarding a fashion no-no—what would it be?
Wearing clothes too tight! Dress for style, not for size.
What is your number one fashion secret? ( which will not be a secret once we publish this interview).
- For women: Body slimmers, no matter what age or size you are (Body by Nancy Ganz rock!) are favorites
- For men: Let your wife do it and have another beer.
- For me: Grey Goose martini up, very dry, one olive.
Quick shots
Wal-Mart or Target?
Target! Love my Mossimo & Isaac
Regis in the morning or Regis at night?
Regis 24/7 (The nicest man in the business!)
Armani or Hickey Freeman?
Atlanta or Chicago?
Chi town.
Golden Girls or Girlfriends
Cheese cake with my Golden Girls.
The smartest Fashion expert I have heard , I have worn white jeans from 18 yrs. old to 76 yrs. old. Thru child raising years (6 kids) and HS teacher career and Catering. And of course white shoes from Tennies to multi colored fabric heels. SAVED A TON of money like you say–AND heard I was always “dressed beautifully” Now that’s winning proof that this designer IS SPOT ON!!!