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Puffy Eyes Got You Down? 8 Tricks to Fake a Good Night’s Sleep

Updated on December 16th, 2020

Thank you to RoC Skincare for sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own.

The holiday party season is about to kick off, which means it’s time for a refresher on looking refreshed. If you’ve ever been stuck on the cycle of drink-eat-party-repeat, you already know where the trouble shows up first: your eyes.

It doesn’t take much for your eyes to tell the world what you’ve been up to. According to Bianca Mendez of Women’s Health Magazine, even small changes in your diet can result in puffiness and dark circles around the eyes. An extra glass of wine or a handful of salty mixed nuts and, bam, you look like you haven’t slept in a week. Throw in a fast-paced party schedule, and you’re tempted to leave the giant sunglasses on 24/7.

Physically speaking, those tired-looking peepers result from fluid build-up around your eyes, according to Marilyn Haddrill and Charles Slonim, MD, of AllAboutVision. And because that skin around your eyes is so thin, any changes at all in this area are super obvious.

So, how’s a girl keep her gaze youthful and energized? For one, skip all the parties and never stray from your diet and always get a full eight hours of sleep. Oh, and never, ever drink alcohol.

Catherine Brock Budget Fashionista wearing faux leather leggings and white top with sneakers.
You could skip all parties and wine to help manage your puffy eyes, but where’s the fun in that?

Bahahahaha, just kidding. That’s not in my playbook and it doesn’t have to be in yours.

If you’d like to get through the holiday party season without having 4,000 people ask you if you’re tired, try these bright-eyed tricks. First up is a set of lifestyle strategies that’ll help over the longer-term, followed by the “morning-after” tricks that’ll give you quick results.

Lifestyle Tricks to Manage Puffy Eyes

Do use the right eye cream.

The health and hydration of the skin around your eyes can help or hinder the appearance of discoloration and swelling. In clinical testing, for example, women who used RoC MULTI CORREXION 5 In 1 Eye Cream saw noticeable improvement in dark circles and under-eye puffiness in just four weeks.


Start your eye cream regimen now, and you’ll surely be ready for those holiday gatherings. The best part is, this is an easy, affordable strategy to implement. RoC MULTI CORREXION 5 In 1 Eye Cream retails for $13.99 and you can find it at Target.

Do listen to your body.

Tired eyes show up quickly, but they are a low-priority problem if you really are wearing yourself down. If you are craving peace and quiet, decline a few party invitations and enjoy some time to yourself. Easier said than done, I know — but your overall wellbeing is important. Prioritize it.

Do skip the dash of salt.

White sea salt

Party foods and on-the-go snacks are generally high in sodium, and will add to the puffy-eye problem. Balance that out by limiting the salt you use when cooking for yourself and stashing healthy snacks in your bag.

Do drink water all day.

Drinking water keeps you hydrated and helps flush sodium from your body. Stock up on water bottles and keep them in your car, your office, your bag and/or your gym locker. Increased water intake is also a preventative strategy — staying hydrated can spare you from that weird hangover that randomly shows up after only one glass of wine.

Fast Results for Puffy Eyes

Do apply egg whites.

Brush whipped egg whites gently to your under-eye area for a quick DIY, puffy-eye treatment. You can also add in other pantry ingredients, like coffee or milk and honey, for added benefits.

Do apply cold compresses to the eyes.

Woman with cucumber slices on her eyes

Cold spoons, chilled tea bags and cucumber slices all make for soothing DIY compresses. You might even keep two small spoons in your refrigerator, for a quick eye fix before work. Tea bags take longer to prepare, but they have the added benefit of caffeine, which can tighten the skin.

Do give your eyes a light tap massage.

You can encourage blood flow to the eye area with a light tap massage around your eyes. The key here is to be gentle (you don’t want to give yourself a black eye after all). I like to use my ring finger of my left hand, because it’s not as strong as my index finger.

Don’t double up on the coffee.

Group of friends making a toast with coffee

Doubling up on coffee to counteract fatigue may worsen the tired-eyes problem. Studies have shown that drinking small amounts of coffee doesn’t have a major impact on your hydration levels. But that can change if you start gulping down more than four cups a day — and that’s where your eyes may start showing the signs of the party you went to the night before.

The gist of staying bright-eyed this holiday season is this: take care of the skin around your eyes, stay hydrated and grab quality sleep whenever you can. In a pinch, apply cold compresses. Put on your best smile, and your friends and coworkers will wonder how you get it all done so gracefully.

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