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6 Ways to Help Your Guy Up His Style Game

Updated on November 27th, 2023

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Every man could use a fashion update every now and then — particularly when your guy’s style hasn’t matured along with the passing of time. And who better to guide his man style than you? Fortunately, nudging your Significant Other to sophistication need not be expensive or overwhelming.

When it comes to classic style, the devil is in the details. Here’s a guide on how to give your guy an elevated man style that remains both classic, current, and overall sexy.

Try a Modern Haircut

Ryan Gosseling Cannes 2014

Gone are the years where every man had the same side part and greased back look. Now, men can express a variety of styles that remain uncomplicated and true to his personality:

  • Is your significant other looking for a simple look? Try the cool look of a close buzz a la Justin Timberlake to enhance his features.
  • Is his hair lush and curly? No need to lop it all off. Go for a neat crop that shapes the face — it can even be long enough to brush behind the ears.
  • Finally, of course, there is always the classic side-part. It’s a universally flattering look that balances out the face.

An important point to note on your man’s hair. Proper haircare is as important as the cut. If he’s out of college, it’s time he brushes his hair. We kid, we kid (sort of).

Invest in long-lasting (think Costco-sized) shampoos and conditioners for him. And load him down with compliments when he uses them. Let him know that neat and oil-free is sexy!

Tidy the Facial Hair

close up of man's beard

What started as a trend has become a staple for casual and professional men alike. His line of work and employer may have specific standards for facial hair, but neatness is always a positive in the workplace.

  • If your man has a luscious beard, have him invest in beard oils from Texas Beard Company .
  • If he likes something closer cut, make sure he grooms it and keeps it even.

Facial hair can be high maintenance, so if he’s not up to the task, let him know there’s nothing wrong with the classic, clean-shaven face.

Wear a Suit that Fits

The contemporary look is often more casual today than in the days of our grandparents, but almost every man will have one or two suits on hand. Chances are, those suits don’t fit well. Just sayin’. The best thing you can do for your man is buy him a suit that’s been fitted and tailored. It could be the difference between him looking like a giant box or a dapper gentleman.

Head to a nearby Nordstrom and a suit salesperson will gladly take all his measurements down to create a customized fit for him. This doesn’t need to be expensive — shop the sales to find the best deal. And keep those measurements handy for future use!

Shine Those Shoes

Again, we do live in a casual world, but not every event calls for sneakers and flip-flops. Two good pairs of loafers in black and brown are no-nonsense go-tos that he should have on hand. Shop the seasonal sales at Macy’s, Nordstrom, or even a DSW.  Subscribe for e-deals through your favorite department stores. Loafers never go out of style, and he can wear them to weddings, job interviews or a nice dinner out with you.

Also, remember to keep those shoes shined! He paid good money to not have scuffed shoes. Invest in a shoe-shining kit and make sure those shoes stay clean. Ever heard of a spit-shine?  That will do in a pinch as well.

Pay Attention to the Socks

men in suits wearing colorful socks

If you’re reading this aloud to him now, he’s probably rolling his eyes and sighing: ‘But socks don’t show!’ You heard it here: they definitely do. When he’s sitting, crossing his legs, or riding a bike, those bright white Nike crew socks are flashing everyone.

Whether he has an artistic flair or a straight-forward personality, there are socks for every taste that will truly finish the look. Look for fashion-forward socks that incorporate fun patterns and colors, and he’s sure to get into the shopping game.

Accessorize with the Right Watch

The must-have essential for any modern man is a statement watch. There’s something debonair about a bold timepiece on his wrist, and this will probably be the easiest thing to change about his wardrobe. And since looking debonair is about the details, you can’t pass up the accessories. Watches for men are available in a variety of styles to suit his fashion sense (or lack thereof).

Whether you go with the classic leather band or try something flashy with metallic, you’d be surprised at what a difference this simple change can make in his wardrobe.

Do you have any man style tips to share? Let us know in the comments!


5 thoughts on “6 Ways to Help Your Guy Up His Style Game”

  1. I found this article so interesting as the other day my wife told me that I need to step my game up a little. She said it in a loving way and I listened to her to see what I could do to keep the fire in our relationship. This help me to see this from here point of view. While reading this I realized that I was doing the things listed here.

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