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Glasses USA Review

Updated on March 10th, 2024

My fellow fashionistas, note that Glasses USA provided me with a free pair of glasses so I could test the shopping experience and share my feedback with you. Read on for my honest Glasses USA review.

The last time I went to the optometrist, the doctor dilated my eyes and I couldn’t see for hours. (She said, “it’ll just be glare-y close up, but you’ll still be able to see and drive home.”) Maybe I’m just oversensitive to these things, but I couldn’t focus at all on anything — and that makes it pretty challenging to pick out a new, cute pair of frames.

On top of that, buying frames at the optometrist’s office can be expensive, even when you have vision coverage that kicks in $100 or so to cover your costs. Even so, I’ve still been reluctant to purchase prescription frames online. I get nervous when I have to translate the scribble on my prescription, AND figure what the heck my PD value is. And then commit to glasses based on a product image? Yikes, sounds like a recipe for disaster.

But it’s 2017 after all, and time to get with the program. So I agreed to test out the Glasses USA shopping process and provide my “newbie” feedback on how it went.

The Quick Read

I love my Glasses USA frames, and found the shopping experience to be easy and kinda fun.

Glasses USA Pros

  • Huge selection of stylish frames
  • Easy search filters so you can quickly nail down the frames that’ll work for you
  • Wide range of prices to suit any budget
  • You can upload your prescription to avoid input errors
  • You can “try on” any frame using your webcam
  • You’ll receive your glasses in 1-2 weeks

Glasses USA Cons

  • There’s a lot going on. When I shopped the site, there were two separate discounts codes and then another “first-time” purchaser offer. I also got a pop up with another offer. I’m not one to complain about too many ways to save, but if you like a distraction-free shopping experience, this isn’t it.

Frames Search & Selection

Glasses USA carries more than 750 different women’s frames, including 645 or so that work as multifocals and about 350 that you can order as prescription sunglasses.

I wear progressive bifocals (ugh — I hate the way that sounds), so I started my search with the full selection of multifocals. From there, I used the sidebar search filters to narrow down my options.

Filter by Shape

glasses usa site review - filter your frames by shape to find the best style

When you’re searching for new glasses, your face shape may be the most important factor to finding a pair you love. I have what I’d call an oval-round face. When I’m not smiling, I’m oval. When I am smiling, I am definitely round. As a kid, I would get teased for having a round face. I outgrew the roundness mostly, but I’m still insecure about it! Hence, my first choice for frames will always be angular or squared off styles.

Filter by Size

Glasses USA gives you the option to filter by size, which is useful only if you know what size you are. I didn’t, but I followed the site’s instructions to find my size from my current frames.

glasses usa review - how to find your frame size

You can also filter your options by brand, frame measurements, material, color and price.

Trying on Your Glasses

I would have a hard time buying glasses confidently without trying them on first. Glasses USA solves this with a virtual try-on process. When you find a frame you like, click on the “try it on” button as shown in the image below.

glasses usa review - virtual try on of frames

From there, you can upload an image, import one from Facebook or use your webcam to take a new one. I imported a picture from Facebook and — boom — had an idea of what these glasses look like on me.

Buy Rx Frames Online 1
I “tried on” frames from Glasses USA by importing a picture from Facebook.

Once you settle on a frame you like, the rest of the ordering process is pretty straightforward. Select the type of glasses you need: single vision, near vision, progressive, or even no-prescription fake glasses. Then, enter your prescription details. (I took a picture of my prescription and uploaded it to avoid any data entry issues.) Lastly, provide your PD value. This video explains how to get your PD value.

And that’s it! In a week or two, you’ll have your glasses.

Lester frames from Glasses USA

My Glasses USA Frames

I chose the Lester frames in blue/gunmetal gray for $89, (plus $139 because mine are progressive). Here’s a look at them. They’re very lightweight and subtle, which I like. What do you think?

glasses usa review - my glasses usa frames

Overall, I found it was pretty straightforward to get a pair of frames I love from Glasses USA. Have you had any experience with Share in the comments.

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