Updated on May 21st, 2021

This post about eyeglass cases was last updated in January, 2019.
These days, I’m all about stylish eyeglass cases. Let’s just say I recently had enough of my contact lenses (they’d keep falling on the floor as I put them in or worse, fold over while in my eye). So, I decided to enter the world of eyeglasses. However, like most people with a new purchase, I’ve become very cautious of keeping my frames in top condition.
Especially in the summer, when life can be messier than usual (gritty beach sand + lenses = not good), protecting lenses is a good thing. In an effort to keep them as scratch-free and clean as possible, I’ve become a bit of an eyeglass case addict.

How could I not? Stylish eyeglass cases are everywhere. If I want to channel my inner Kate Middleton with polka dots, there’s a case for that. If I’m feeling geek chic, there’s a style around.
I’m amazed at all the colors, shapes and sizes in both hard and soft case options. Bonus: many cases are suitable for carrying sunglasses, not just my prescription frames.
Plus, if I want to show my phone some love while I’m wearing my glasses, many cases fit phones. Ah, they ’re stylish, functional, affordable. Life without contacts is great! There, I rest my ahem, case.
8 Stylish Eyeglass Cases
Here are eight eyeglass cases worth exploring.

Tell us what cases you’re eyeing up, or feel free to share your contact-to-eyeglasses transition stories!