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Why Shop Amazon? 11 Answers

Updated on August 26th, 2023

Why shop Amazon? As its name implies, Amazon is a winding, veritable jungle chock-full of fabulous finds and steep discounts. Seriously. From hard-to-find makeup must-haves to designer duds, home necessities or the perfect gift for mom, dad, sister or lover, Amazon is practically sacred ground for shopaholics.

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In no particular order, here are the top 11 benefits of shopping Amazon for fashion.

1. Free shipping

We’ve all procrastinated on buying a gift for an event or a dress for an upcoming vacation. Amazon offers super-fast shipping options. And, if you are an Amazon Prime member, you get free shipping on so many items.

Need a pair of red pumps for this weekend’s party? Order on Wednesday to have them at your door by Friday. Depending on where you live, you may even have the option for same-day delivery.

2. Ample customer reviews

Smiling woman shopping online to represent why shop Amazon.
Source: Envato.

Knowing what other people think of the product you’re about to buy is priceless information. Amazon’s star rating system and candid reviews always come in handy when making purchases, be they big-ticket items or super-cheap products.

One warning, though: Read the reviews — don’t just look at the star rating. Several times, I have seen reviews that were clearly describing a different product than the one shown that page.

3. Hard-to-find and discontinued Items

It’s near tragic when one of your staple items gets discontinued. While there’s clearly a limited supply of a discontinued product, Amazon often seems to deliver. The same can be said for new or popular products that are rarely in stock at your local bricks-and-mortar shops. That includes perfumes and eyeshadows, hair serums and lipsticks, and even edibles or home goods.

4. Huge size selection

In the real world, those who cross over into “non-standard” sizes are forced to seek out a specialty shop. What’s worse, these specialty stores often charge top dollar for their goods, wreaking havoc on your poor wallet and causing unnecessary frustration.

When you’re shopping outlier sizes in undergarments, shoes, apparel or even hats, Amazon has got you covered. Literally.

5. Awesome search functionality

Let’s face it, sometimes walking into a store causes sensory overload. And the bigger the store, the more distracted you get.

Amazon, clearly, is a huge shopping outlet, but its fancy search engine allows you to narrow down your search by size, style (relaxed, contemporary, trending, etc.), seller, brand, color, reviews, and so on.

6. Prices for every budget

Shopping on Amazon gives you access to massive range of prices. Ready to splurge on designer labels? Check. Need the cheapest pair of black pumps on the planet? Check.

Whatever your budget will support, you can likely find something on Amazon.

7. (Mostly) easy returns

Whether you regret an impulse purchase, hate the actual color of the product, don’t like how something fits or the product arrived damaged, Amazon usually makes it easy to return unwanted purchases. Often, you can drop a product off at a shipping location without any packaging, scan a QR code, and be on your way.

To ensure I’m giving you the pros and cons, I have to tell you about the one bad return experience I had with Amazon. My hubby bought on refurbished Apple Watch and couldn’t set it up because it was linked to the previous owner’s Apple ID. He returned the watch (which was not cheap FYI) and then had to make at least four phone calls plus a few chat sessions to get the refund. That refund came more than a month later.

8. Shop the biggest selection from home

One of the biggest perks of any online store is that you get to shop from the comfort of your own home. Clearly, shopping online makes it easier for you to compare prices, shop around and make a decision you feel comfortable with.

Amazon takes the whole “shopping from home” thing to a whole new level, though, allowing you to buy everything from toilet paper (isn’t it annoying to haul that giant toilet paper package around the store?) to olive oil, printer ink, shampoo and beyond.

9. Try Before You Buy

Shop on Amazon and you can try on clothes before you buy them. See my experience trying formal dresses from Amazon with Try Before You Buy.

10. Subscribe & save

Ever run out of mascara, olive oil, coffee or feminine products? Amazon’s subscribe & save sends you those very products–and many others–once every month, two months, six or whatever frequency you desire. And if it isn’t enough for them to take the weight of remembering off your shoulders, they offer this service at a discounted price.

11. Easy gifting

Amazon is the place to go when shopping for gifts. For one thing, lots of couples register at Amazon for weddings and baby showers. Also because it’s such a diverse marketplace, you can find everything for everyone including grills for dad, toys for your niece, spa products for mom, and everything in between.. Oh, and when in doubt, an Amazon gift card is always accepted with open arms.

Why Shop Amazon

Here’s what it comes down to. Amazon makes shopping easy with a massive selection, fast shipping, and mostly reliable returns.


1 thought on “Why Shop Amazon? 11 Answers”

  1. Wendy,

    There are probably 50+ things that I like about Amazon, but I know that “11” is a good number for this article title, and requires less writing 🙂

    I agree with your first mention of “fast shopping.” Amazon is blazing fast considering all the content they have on their website. When I was looking at some new denim selections, a boatload of “similar” jeans shows up but the page loaded in a millisecond, and I was out of the office on my iPad. Next, although I am a busy person with work and family, I do take the time to read customer reviews on Amazon. You are right on the money when you say Amazon’s star ratings are “priceless.”

    Most customers who take the time to post reviews on Amazon are passionate about the product(s) they purchase through the site, and the well-written and intelligent reviews – either positive or negative – often help formulate my buying decisions.

    Thanks for an informative post on The Budget Fashionista… !

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