Along with the warmer weather comes skin-baring styles like halter tops. No, we’re not talking about tops that show virtually all of our, um, Kardashians, but ones that let us show skin in all the right places…dressy halter tops can look stylish and sexy without looking like we frequent a seedy street corner.
This post may contain affiliate links*Seriously, ladies who think they have to show “all that” to be “all that” have missed the fashion train in my opinion.
Dressy halter tops show off arms and necks beautifully. Yay to the bonus of keeping cool while we look pretty, too! I love their patterns and built-in neck bling which means (bonus again) we don’t have to spend extra time and money on accessories. These tops are so pretty, they stand on their on without the need for over-the-top extravagance. Hmmm. Just like the lady who wears them, right?
Here are a few halter tops that should be in every closet.
Make Space in Your Closet for these Dressy Halter Tops
Tell us, what halter top styles do you like?
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