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Are Flip Flops Dangerous? Here’s What an NY Podiatrist Has to Say

Updated on May 21st, 2021

What: The Huffington Post published an infograph last weekend detailing the many horrifying ways that flip flops are the biggest menace to your feet since, er, Alexander McQueen’s “Armadillo” Heels? Or Crocs 2007 era, before they saw the light?

What They Say:

This summer staple might be a real health flop. Aside from the obvious lack of protection (meaning you’re more vulnerable to dropped objects, stubbed toes and the like), your favorite pair could be seriously damaging your feet. “The feet are the foundation of your whole body. This is the base of the skeleton,” says Jackie Sutera, a podiatrist in New York City. “It’s a domino effect… the rest of your joints and bones have to compensate.”

What We Say: The HuffPost story is originally titled, “How Your Flip Flops Are Killing Your Feet“, which even we had to admit was a wee bit alarmist. Who knew your baby blue Havianas were actually cold-blooded, silent killers? You’ll never look at your comfy, breezy flops the same way again!

We had previously shared a similar cautionary tale about flip-flops being some kind of bacteria-magnet, but this infrographic shares more podiatric pains. Think bunions, blisters, bacteria, bone cracks, and plantar fasciitis (sorry to break the alliterative pattern here, but it’s a medical term–there’s no way around this). Indeed, the story sparked a lot of questions among readers, particularly why people from Hawaii and the rest of the world wear these slippers every day without running into problems raised in the story. It’s worth mentioning, however, that the article does provide helpful tips on how to shop for better pairs of flip-flops.

So, are flip flops dangerous? Like any other item we wear and/or possibly abuse every day, they can be. But so can high heels (perhaps, even more so). In the end, moderation, hygiene and a good buyer’s sense will come a long way in keeping these potential feet hazards at bay.

Check out the full story here.

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