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Sponsored Post – Deconstructing First Date Outfits: What Your Attire Reveals

Updated on May 17th, 2021

After weeks of flirtatious emailing in real time and one (or two or three) drunken texts at ungodly hours, you’re taking the plunge with Mr. Looks-Like-Channing-Tatum’s-Brother-Minus-The-Thick-Neck.  He had you at “Hello” when he messaged you on a dating site.  Okay.  The uber cute profile pic, and the fact that he also hates the Yankees didn’t hurt either. You’re finally meeting this dude in the flesh, and while you’ve perused all his Facebook photos (twice), and he’s most likely done the same with you, first impressions, especially when it comes to the “First Date Outfit,” matter.  No fear.  We’re breaking down typical first date outfits for you and what they indirectly signal to your counterpart.

Your First Date Outfits, Deconstructed

Little Black Dress

Little Black Dress as First Date Outfits

You’re quintessentially classic.  You’re more Charlotte York than Samantha Jones.  Your favorite restaurant is a small family-owned Italian hole-in-the-wall that serves a mean risotto in romantic  candlelight, and an after-dinner cocktail at a wine bar never hurts.  Neither does a killer cheese plate.  With brie.  Naturally.

Floral Dress and Cardigan

Floral Dress and Cardigan as First Date Outfit

Your tell-all emails to friends that over-analyze relationships of yesteryear that went south read like Taylor Swift songs.  (Er, except your exes aren’t jacked werewolves or 1/5 of a British Boy Band.  Or a Kennedy for that matter.)  You’re optimistic that women CAN have it all, and yes, you appreciate men who open doors for ladies.  You’re a Southern belle at heart, even if you were born and raised in Jersey.

Leggings/Tunic/Over-the-knee-boots/Leather Jacket 

Rocker Style as First Date Outfits

You prefer indie foreign flicks over Kate Hudson rom-coms, and Comic Con is on your bucket list.  (You’re totally going as Chun Li from Street Fighter.)  This doesn’t mean to say that you don’t have a girly side.  Yes, you sing the Beibs in the shower really loudly, and maybe in the car because you own all his CDs.

Suit Two-Piece 

Woman in Suit as First Date Outfits

You’re not looking to relive your sorority days of making out with cute (or not-so-cute) frat boys.  First dates are like job interviews.  It’s about the fit, and while you’re not necessarily looking to get hitched next week, you’re looking for longevity.  And a person who gives a good back rub.

This post is part of the Sponsored Posts series sponsored by our friends over at We Love Dates.

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