Updated on May 13th, 2021
While summer is all about color (from pastel pinks to neon green), it can be difficult to find out which is the best color for your skin tone. So we put together a list of rules you can use to choose clothes that flatter your coloring, every time.
This post may contain affiliate links*3 rules for choosing the best color for your skin tone
1. If your skin tone is pale, then…

Avoid looking like a washed-out tweaker from “Breaking Bad” by sticking to the paler colors of this season, like soft oranges (think melon) and blues (think sky), both of which work well with paler skin tones.
Another option is to look for colors that are neutral to your skin tone (like beige or cream). Note: when you wear beige or cream, add gold accessories — like a great gold necklace or belt — to add a bit of warmth to the ensemble.
2. If your skin tone is medium, then…

It’s going to be harder for you to dress this spring/summer, since pastels can read “ashy” and bright colors can add a yellow tint to your skin (see the shorts on the above model). Stick to colors that are more middle-of-the-road, like tans, standard green, and standard yellow.
3. If your skin tone is dark, then…

You’re in luck, because all the colors, from the brightest blue to the most basic black, look fabulous on you. Because you can, try and play around with the bright colors of the season, like lime greens and raspberry pinks. Also try bright purples and play around with neon oranges.
I’m a pale girl and I’ll definitely be adding melon and sky blue to my wardrobe for the summer! I want that blue dress, and wow the shoes!
This was great information. I think my consignor clients will get a lot of use from it.
Great advices! I could definitely apply it to my clients too! I love reading your blogs!
This is an awesome post! Wonder about in-between advice (i.e. pale but got a little summer glow? Between medium and dark?).
Personally I like to see pale skin on white women.
Gwen Stefanie is stunning and it seems as if she doesn’t bother to tan.
pale colors keep the pale skin in balance.
I would look terrible in pale blue or pale pink.
Stay out of the sun my pale Sisters!