Updated on May 17th, 2021
Anyone who thinks great nail color and design 1) can only be achieved at a salon or 2) is best worn in shades like “buff,” “beige” or “sand” is missing out in the beauty department. Big time. See, I’m a believer in creativity, whether I’m talking about nail color or wall color. In fact, when it comes to beauty, creativity is my secret weapon.
This post may contain affiliate links*Revlon Nail Art Review
Freedom of expression, mixing things up and bucking conventional thoughts may not go over well in the political realm (or Thanksgiving dinner with Uncle Lou), but it does wonders for looking great and having fun. And what’s looking good if I can’t have a little fun to boot? So when I had the opportunity to try the Revlon Nail Art™ collection, I was thrilled. The collection boasts convenient two-in-one dual packaging and features 30 unique shades across three different styles that let me go as wild, glam or demure as I want.
- Revlon Nail Art Neon™ – notice-me nails in bold colors to electrify my look and my mood
- Revlon Nail Art Moon Candy™ – iridescent-meets-deep-base-coat (a.k.a canvas) for a cosmic, cool 3D effect
- Revlon Nail Art Expressionist™ – what a great way to discover (or rediscover) my inner artist. Move over Monet fans, you haven’t seen nothin’ yet!
Wow. Free reign to get my neon on, embrace my inner Monet or channel my inner space goddess? On my own time, my own way . . . without sacrificing on-trend looks? The world of nail art doesn’t get any more creative than this. Forget the saying about coffee or chocolate — hand over the Revlon Nail Art™ and no one will get hurt!
Why Revlon Nail Art is a Must-Have Beauty Weapon
The collection is the ultimate in freedom of expression, my must-have secret weapon for head-turning nail designs. All have easy-to-follow directions (a “1” with an arrow pointing to the base color, and a “2” with another arrow indicating the second shade to be applied). How effortless is that? Plus, there isn’t any peeling, pressing, prying or “where’d I put that top coat” bottle searches (I’m famous for losing things, even if they’re in front of my face). I’m addicted to their three gorgeous styles and the skinny nail art brush sizes found in most top coat bottles. The smaller brush optimizes precision (perfect for coffee hands like me). Let’s get to it, shall we?

Wow. While waiting (not long at all) for the black base to dry, the dark exuded a tough gal “yeah, whatever”vibe. Ever-optimistic me liked this. *Gasp* An edgy side? Me? Who knew? Once I applied the white designs, I bid Bitter Me adieu and declared this a favorite. I loved everything about the experience: the realization that I have it in me to be a sarcastic eye-roller (ha, take that, mean drivers and non-smilers), the striking black/white contrast, the yin/yang, mod-glam feel. I had fun mixing up patterns on each nail, even leaving one nail all black. Must have more, darling.
Ulterior Motif (Expressionist Collection)

So pretty, I could melt. I adored the feminine gray and pink combination—the soft hues were delicate, yet noticeable. Rather than applying the sparkling pink second coat over my tip, I opted to trace the curve of my cuticle then come halfway down the center of my nail. The sparkle on the bottom was a fun change. What’s wrong with admiring my nails every 10, er, 2 seconds?
Pink Glow (Neon Collection)

I’m an 80s child. Hot-pink leg warmers and glowing lighthouse beacons sweaters were the norm. It was like, totally the thing. The “Pink Glow” from the Neon collection was not only great in the blast-from-the past department, (crank up Corey Hart’s “Sunglasses at Night”), but looked as bold (ditto) as I remembered. The white base intensified the top pink color, adding “pow” on every fingertip. Wearing it made me 1) giddy inside and 2) shut the blinds – who needs sun with this brightness?
Orbit (Moon Candy Collection)

Maybe it was those planetarium school trips, but to this day, I’m fascinated with space. With neat names like Eclipse, Meteor and Moon Dust, this collection is the closest I’ll get to setting foot outside this stratosphere. For that reason, applying it added to the fun factor. Plus, I thought the cool 3D-ish results were heavenly.
Without a doubt, it’s safe to say Revlon Nail Art™, well, you know . . . nailed it! Unlike grade school, Revlon Nail Art™ makes it OK to stay outside the proverbial lines. In this case: anything goes, so creativity flourishes and beauty is revealed. Follow Revlon on Facebook to learn even more about their products.
Revlon Nail Art™ lets me unleash my playful side. Sure, those stick-on thingies are cool and there are tons of neat shades out there, but with them, I know what I’m getting into: what I see is what I get, which can border on well, boring. Revlon Nail Art™ kicks such design predictability to the curb, allowing me to turn the expected into anything but. Now if you excuse me, I’m heading out to pick up some Supernova. And Killer Watt. And . . . As if all this nail art isn’t exciting enough, it gets better:
You get the chance to win a $50 Visa gift card. Ahem, you can use that card towards a nifty nail collection . . . To enter for a chance to win this sweepstakes, answer this question in a comment below: What is your best beauty secret? One comment will be randomly selected. That $50 Visa gift card might belong to you!
Sweepstakes Rules:No duplicate comments. You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:
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So share with me: what is your best beauty secret?
Enough sleep, is my beauty secret. When you get enough sleep, the skin always looks great.
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
My best beauty secret is to keep makeup simple and natural looking.
Thanks so much
My beauty secret: never leave the house without lipstick/lip gloss.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I’m very simple so mine is to moisturize. I don’t do too much.
My beauty secret is getting enough sleep.
being happy is my secret to good beauty
My best beauty secret is to wear a tinted SPF lotion.
My secret is glass nail files. Once you try them you’ll never use anything else.
I have never heard of glass nail files. Tell me more!
Drinking lots of water! My skin just looks better.
Get enough sleep consistently, that’s my best secret
My beauty secret is to moisturize daily and use sunscreen
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
My beauty secrets include getting enought sleep, drinking plenty of water, staying out of the sun and using a moisturizer
s2s2 at comcast dot net
exfoliate twice a week followed by argan oil !:)
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
My best secret is to put lotion on right after the shower for maximum absorption….also rub cuticle oil on your cuticles
my secret is just getting enough sleep.
I mix Aquaphor with my favorite lip stick as quick lip gloss.
I also tweeted-https://x.com/ElenaIstomina/status/313304219732017152
elena150980 at yahoo dot com
My best beauty secret is to drink lots of water and eat lots of veggies!!! 🙂 Thanks for a chance to win and have a great day!
Drink lots of water, get enough sleep AND moisturize!
add a few drops of organic jojoba oil to your moisturizers
tvollowitz at aol dot com
drink lots of water
I use Curel Intensive Healing for my extra dry skin.
use eye cream, starting at an early age…lines around the eyes can really age you
love the pink neon polish
My secret is I have good genes.
To use tinted moisturizer so your face has a more even look when not wearing make-up.
My best beauty secret is to drink at least 8 – 8 oz glasses of water each day. Beauty starts from within
Katie Roch
My secret is to after applying makeup, I like to lightly brush my face with baby powder. This helps achieve a shine free look.
Thanks so much.
Use a foundation with sunscreen in it.
ighmeg at yahoo dot com
Always moisturize
Drink plenty of water. I want to thank you for this awesome sweep and hope to win 🙂 Thanks !!! corrysue@yahoo.com
A little shimmer on your cheekbones.
I use a primer under my makeup. It hides my large pores and makes my makeup go on smoothly.
I have been using plain ole Oil of Olay and Sunscreen Oil of Olay for years, and that stuff is magic! I call it Oil of DELAY since it has kept me looking young. Going to be 60 this year, and I swear by that stuff!
my best beauty secret is to wear a smile
toothpaste on pimples, drink lots of water, get lots of sleep.
My tip is to exfoliate once a week. makes my skin glow and make up wears better
once a week I wash my face with baking soda..
I do not know much about beauty but i love ur post
Moisturize early and often.
feeling good about myself!
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
Soak spunges or cotton swabs in milk then leave them on your eyes for 20 minutes! It works great for “tired” eyes! kytah00@yahoo.com
Moisturize before anything else, always.
My eyelash curler is my best beauty secret. I love to curl them up and then apply mascara.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com
wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com
My beauty secret is quality products.
Face washes during the day
For occasional blemishes grind up a cheap aspirin tablet and add a tiny bit of honey. Smear it on in the evening – by morning it will probably be cleared up
Water, plenty of water. Hydrated skin is healthy skin and healthy skin is beautiful
Put vasoline on your eye lashes at night for stronger and fuller lashes.
I always make sure to wash my face before bed – no matter how tired I am.
I don’t really have one other than to use vaseline on your lips before bed. thank you!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com
my beauty tip is powder under the eyes before mascara. It makes it easy to wipe off flakes or smudges.
i wash my face with great skin care products and moisturize
I drink lots of water and moisturize everyday.
Best kept secret apply vaseline to dry skin and lips 2x a day
Use drugstore witch hazel as toner/astringent. It’s the main ingredient in Clinique potion #2.
ky2here at msn dot com
My best beauty secret? Eat healthy beauty comes from the inside out & if you eat healthy it will help in lots of ways teechbiz at gmail dot com
My best beauty secret is drink lots and lots of water and
use a good moisturizer…..your skin will love you for it.
using a wet brush instead of a dry one on powdered eye shadow, you
instantly make a creamier, brighter shadow to apply to your lids
I keep my skin moist with moisturizer.
get plenty of sleep!
Use plenty of moisturizer with sunscreen.
Olive oil on face and skin =)
My best beauty secret is actually a combination of three things… get enough rest, drink enough water, and keep skin moisturized! Katharina angelsandmusic[at]gmail[dot]com
moisturize around your eyes so they dont look crackly and old
get plenty of sleep to look refreshed!
drink enough water to keep your body hydrated. Nothing shows wrinkles like dry skin.
Wear sunscreen every day
moisturize all year long
My best beauty secret is to keep it natural looking with products that contain SPF!!
My beauty secret is to wear something that match my personalty and skin tone. It’s more natural and comfortable that way than trying to look like someone else.
amy [at] utry [dot] it
I always wear sunscreen.
my best beauty secret is to eat healthy veggies and fruits
Drink lots and lots of water.
Best tip is to wear sunscreen anytime you set foot outside your home, regardless of weather.
One of my best beauty secrets is living a vegetarian lifestyle. I have been doing it for nearly 13 years now and it is amazing how much better my skin looks. I have friends that have taken it to veganism and their skin is even clearer than mine!
14earth at gmail dot com
That lipstick can double as eyeshadow and blush when in a hurry
Use lot of moisturizer
My best beauty secret is always remove your makeup before going to bed – ALWAYS.
My beauty tip is to drink loads of water. It’s the best and cheapest moisturizer.
Best beauty secret? A good night’s sleep! 🙂
my best beauty secret is to eat healthy, drink water and exercise for beauty!
Wash your skin regularly and use lotion
i will mix my lipstick with vaseline
Never go out without lipstick.
I rinse my hair in cold water. It makes it look shinier.
My beauty tip is just being me, then I have a special glow to me. I wear small bits of makeup here and there. sweepmorey at gmail dot com
My best beauty secret is moisturizing and hydration. My drink of choice is water and it keeps me healthy.
Use baby oil after your shower to keep your skin moist.
Use avocado as a moisturizer. I love it!
Drinking at least 8 cups of water a day along with sleep is my secret
Drinking water and don’t over-wash your face =)
Use a good top coat for nail polish and it’ll stay forever. Well, that’s an exaggeration…
kaleidoscopequeen at gmail dot com
do not go to bed with makeup on
My secret is to get a good nights rest. It’s called beauty rest for a reason.
Use moisturizer day & night.
I use a face mask once a month
I keep a couple of spoons in the freezer. After a sleepless night, I place the cold spoons on my puffy eyes to correct the problem before I apply makeup.
my best beauty secret is from the inside out, and the outside in work will be easier! thkks for a great giveaway
email: anashct1 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Bring your lip cover with you, reapply after eating/drinking
For me, it is less is more. I have never used makeup except for some lipstick, and at 74, I have clear skin and virtually no wrinkles. Not what the cosmetic companies want to hear!
use a face mask
I moisturize daily
rounder9834 @yahoo.com
Wash face in the morning, at night and always wear a lip balm.
always use moisturizer
My best beauty secrets: get plenty of sleep; drink lots of water; smile!
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
Eating right…drinking lots of water…and getting enough sleep!
My best beauty secret is to feel confident in your own skin! Confidence is beautiful. 🙂
My beauty secret is a good nights sleep!
My best beauty secret: brighten eyes with white shadow on the brow bone below the brow and the inside corners of the eyes.
Drink plenty of water!
-Ashley Marie Morrissey
Wash my face every night before bed!
i always wash my face at night!!
coconut oil as a moisturizer!
My hair is so dry so once a month I put a conditioner in my hair and keep it in overnight while I sleep. I wash it off in the morning and it doesn’t feel so dry
s2s2 at comcast dot net
eat lots of fruits and veggies, esp kiwi, bananas, and berries for great skin!
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com