Updated on January 5th, 2021
A reader sent me a link to a recent TODAY show segment on the effectiveness of over the counter products like OXY on the treatment of acne, versus more expensive like products like Proactiv and topical prescription products. The results were interesting- it appears that the over-the-counter products works just as well as the Proactiv and topical prescription treatments, but cost significantly less.
Note: Proactiv’s price is probably influenced by its marketing budget. Puffy, Jessica Simpson, Lindsay Lohan don’t come cheap.
I agree, with one exception: it’s hard to find a drugstore product that does a really good scrubbing/polishing job like Proactiv. I used Proactiv for awhile, now use drugstore products. The scrubby balls in every product I’ve used are a joke compared to Proactiv’s.
I always bought Proactiv off eBay. It was cheaper than buying directly from the company.
I’m not so sure about this. I had problems for what seemed like an eternity and even the dermatologist wasn’t able to get things cleared up. I swear by Proactiv, and no I’m not a paid spokesperson, but I am truly a ‘success’ story of the products. It worked miracles on my face. It’s really the combination of the 3 elements together that makes it work. You could probably find all 3 at a drug store, but they won’t be exactly the same. Anyway, I’ll stop rambling. Just wanted to give my 2 cents 🙂 Abby
I’m always on the lookout for an unadvertized or little advertised product because as stated in the original post marketing coasts drive up the price of any beauty product considerably. Even companies like Keihls and Bed,Bath and BodyWorks, who are well known but don’t put a bundle into their marketing are usually good buys.
I recently found the Rimmel cosmetic line in my local drugstore, tried, several of their products and loved them. So keep those eyes peeled for the unknown brand. You never know when you might uncover a winner!
I know I’m on the LATE show for a response, but as a 34 year old woman that has suffred with acne since the age of 15—I’ve every oral and topical medication under the sun in from 1985-1995 and I must say that Proactive is the best. Unlike OTC stuff, it does not has a lot of perfumes, i see the results almost immediately, it does not leave the skin dry and flaky. If anything it has made the OTC companies step up their games FINALLY. And the reporter from the U tube Today show did not do her homework, you can get Pro. Active for $29 every three months when you join the club——it’s worth every dime to this reader! LOVE THE SITE—ERIKA!
I saw this episode of the today show, and I had been using Proactive for 2 years, and was sick of paying so much money, so I was excited, and ran out and bought all of the drugstore brands. I bought the oxy brand, Acneefree, and Acneclear, which were all supposed to work just as well. Unfortunately, I broke out, on all three, and didn’t clear up until I went back to proactive. As soon as a product really does work as well, I would love to be notified, but so far the only thing thats kept my skin clear is proactive.
I saw this episode of the today show, and I had been using Proactive https://www.proactiv-skincare.com for 2 years, and was sick of paying so much money, so I was excited, and ran out and bought all of the drugstore brands. I bought the oxy brand, Acneefree, and Acneclear, which were all supposed to work just as well. Unfortunately, I broke out, on all three, and didn
2 things one proactive works better if you have irritable skin like mine and the girl they showed who used the oxy did not have any acne just bad skin.
I have tried using ProActive Solution products for the last 12 mos and it just doesnt work for me. Both my brother and mom tried it and it didnt work for the either. I guess it depends on your skin type.
I did not have problems with my skin when a teenager, but after 30 my skin was starting to break out and the only thing that has control it is Proactive. I do not use it as often because it dry up my skin really bad, using it at night is just enough.
I have been using Proactiv for years. Just so you know I am in the “club” and I pay $50 a month and I only get a shipment once every other month. So basically I pay(ed) $100 for a “60day” supply. It does work ok, but I have found other items for a third of the price that work just as well. FYI, The advertised price is for the 1st month, it shoots up to $50 a month after that. Needless to say I have canceled my membership. I use noxzema triple clean foaming cleanser and when I need a good scrub, I use Biore pore refining scrub.
Is it good on ethnic skin types
It really depends on your skin. Try everything until you find something that works. I’ve tried stuff from Walmart, and I’ve tried Proactiv, and yes, Proactiv does work better with my skin, period. I wish I could find something cheaper, but till I do, I’ll be using Proactiv or else suffering with acne (the minefield kind that sits under the surface and comes up repeatedly).
Also, note that the $25 price on tv is for half-sizes. It goes up to $40 for regular sizes.