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Bitten by Sarah Jessica Parker: What We Think

Updated on January 18th, 2021

In March of 2007, The Budget Fashionista broke the news that Sarah Jessica Parker (aka Carrie from Sex and The City) was designing a line called “Bitten.” The line would be sold at discount sportswear retailer Steve and Barry’s and launched as a fashion blind item during fashion week.

The Jury is Out

First let me say, I really want to like this line and will save my full assessment when it appears in stores. However, based on the pictures, the Bitten line looks pretty uneventful. It actually looks a lot like the stuff she was hawking for GAP.

Again, I want to like this line. I really do. However, most of the people who shop at Steve & Barry’s are at the fashion 101 level. And this line seems to be more fashion 201. It has none of the easy urban style of Madonna’s line at H&M and none of the creative basic look of Isaac Mizrahi at Target. I am also pretty skeptical of the overly touched up pictures, which is usually sign of low-quality garments.

Cute Basics

That being said, the Bitten line does feature cute basics, like wide-leg khaki trousers, basic black tops, black dresses, accessories etc. — many priced under $19.95.  

But when I think of Sarah Jessica Parker, I don’t think of basics. I think of quirky style, interesting patterns, strange mixtures, etc. I’m not sure if this line will feature these elements of her “public” personal style.

And that leads me to ask this question. Is SJP’s style really her own style or that of a good stylist (hello Patricia Fields)?

Bitten Launch on Oprah

Two months after we broke the news about Bitten, the line made its public debut on Oprah. Before I write a review of the presentation of the Bitten by Sarah Jessica Parker line on today’s Oprah, I want to clear up some misconceptions.

Thoughts on SJP

I like Sarah Jessica Parker, but she isn’t the patron saint of budget shoppers. She made a smart business move and has excellent PR people who know how to push your buttons to get you to buy. We do need more bargain shopping options and I am glad that Steve & Barry’s is providing it.

I like Steve & Barry’s. In fact, I was just there about a month ago, because Tobias begged me to buy him a pair of Starbury shoes.

I get the impression that many of you feel that celebrities like SJP are doing you a favor when they “design” these lines. While I’m positive SJP and Stephon Marbury care about consumers, they are producing these lines because they make money.

I also think there’s this major misconception involving fashion bloggers. We’re not necessarily “fashion insiders,” but we’re not “fashion outsiders” either. We go to fashion week, visit the showrooms of major designers, write books published by major publishers, work as TV correspondents, and shop at stores like Steve & Barry’s.

Now that this is cleared up, on to Bitten.

Sarah Jessica Parker’s Bitten Line

Ask yourself if Sarah Jessica Parker’s name was removed from the line, would you still buy it? If someone other than celebrity created this line, would the line have been on Oprah?

The pros

The one thing that separates the Bitten by Sarah Jessica Parker line from the other celebrity lines is that the sizing (2-22) reflects the true sizing range of America. This is why I wanted to like the line.

I also find the $20 coats to be refreshing (I will probably buy one).

The cons

But, and this is just based upon what I saw on Oprah and my discussions with people who have seen the line and work with Steve & Barry,  the line really isn’t anything new.  When Isaac Mizrahi did a line with Target, that was new. When Stephon Marbury wore the $14.98 Starbury basketball shoes in NBA basketball games, that was something new.


Take away sizing from the Bitten and you can get all those pieces from stores like Old Navy, Mandee, Marianne, Payless, Forever 21, etc. Plus, the quality may leave a lot to be desired. The seams appear wavy (a sign of poor stitching) and the front of the pants were bunchy on the models. Go back and watch the segment and notice how every pair of pants bunched in the front and how the seams on the pants didn’t lie flat.

It is my hope that the next batch of clothing from the line will step it up on the quality front.

But what I noticed the most was the lukewarm enthusiasm shown by the Oprah audience. I watch Oprah everyday and when the audience loves something, they LOVE it. They seemed pretty unmoved by the Bitten line. At one point, Oprah responded to a lukewarm reception of the audience to a knit dress with “Come on it’s $14 dollars.” 

Compare that to the audience’s reaction regarding the truly impressive bridal dresses by Isaac Mizrahi at Target and you see what I mean.

All in all, this line will be a success, because people still confuse personal style with that created by a stylist. People will also buy because of the continued popularity and strength of SJP’s Sex and the City character.
But again, ask yourself…if her name was removed from the line, would you even be reading this right now?

Bitten Update

Like so many celeb lines, Bitten has bitten the dust. Today, if you want Sarah Jessica Parker designs, you need to check out SJP which is primarily shoes and handbags. You can also find a few Bitten pieces on ThredUp and Poshmark.

100 thoughts on “Bitten by Sarah Jessica Parker: What We Think”

  1. When I first heard about this line, I was excited.  After finally seeing it on Oprah, I still am excited.  I’m a student, so I don’t have much to spend on clothes.  Stores like Forever 21 and others often have clothes that are too trendy and to small for my size 14 body.  So it will be nice to be able to buy some classic pieces that don’t cost an arm and a leg.  I can’t wait to actually get my hands on the clothes and feel it and try it on to see how it fits to see if its worth it.

  2. All I know is I think the clothes are cute and they are affordable, which is great! And I am definently going to be buying some things! I’m excited about it!

  3. I saw the Oprah show, and thought most of the clothes were cute. The sailor pants and v-neck dress were both adorable. (Though do any of us really need another pair of budget espadrilles?)

    I do think the sizing she’s created is pretty remarkable. And that anyone would bring up Forever 21 as a comparison seems really odd, actually… I can’t even fit my leg into a size large there. Their sizes are for pre-teen girls, not women.

    I’m trying to remember, though, that some corners must have been cut to manufacture this clothing so cheaply. I’d rather spend a little more for clothing that I know wasn’t made in a sweatshop, if I had my druthers.

  4. It is refreshing that sarah jessica parker has come out with an affordable clothing line that has sizes and styles for the average woman.  I don’t know if the line Bitten will be only sold on-line.  If this is the case I would be hesitant to buy because I prefer trying on my clothes at a store before purchasing.

  5. i think you are 100% percent right about oprah’s audience reaction. usually they are pretty gung-ho about items oprah presents on the show. plus im assuming that each audience member received a hefty bag full of bitten items.

  6. True what you say about “JSP on Oprah”. Also the fact that this is a money-making business.  But fashionestas are not stupid.  If the clothing line is not made well and doesn’t hold up they won’t buy it again. The opening of her clothing line maybe successful, but time will tell.  Best to invest in good basics.

    SoHo Accessories

  7. I saw this show too and was puzzled by the concept that celebrities putting their names on inexpensive lines of clothes, etc. was actually a philanthropic activity.  Doing their bit for the underprivileged.  I also found it all rather condescending and in the end still promoting brand-name consumerism.

  8. I am still not a fan of the line and I watched the show just to see if there was anything different from what I already saw.  You are absolutely right, the name attached to it may help it but other than that its the same old things that we have seen in other stores.  There is nothing extraordinary about it and I love SJP. It seems like another money venture for her.

  9. I’ve been very concerned about the reaction of some of you to the line and I think it highlights the greater problem we (myself included) have with consumerism

    1. Several of the comments failed to answer the central question- which is would you still buy it if it didn’t have a celebrities name attached to it?
    2. I also think there’s a many misconception regarding mass market lines and the retail industry- high prices DOESN’T equal more profitability. In fact the mass market lines like SJP’s line are very profitable. SJP stands to make at least approximately $1-$2 for every garment sold. Maybe even a little but more. To put this in perspective- singers/musicians rarely make more than $1 a record and most authors make around $1-$2 for every paperback book they sell.

    3. It’s interesting how many people confused the public image of celebrities with who they actually are. I am not saying that SJP isn’t a good person, I’m in no position to judge anyone, but I’m still surprised about how connected people feel to someone whose job it is to sell. 

    4. Steve and Barry’s peeps are obviously still posting in the comments section. This is really sad and so against the rules. It’s also stupid because we can see your IP address.

    5. We come up second for Bitten because the blog is popular. Stick around. I’m not a celeb basher by any stretch of the imagination (I really do like SJP, just that the spin being put on the line is a bit disingenuous), but I do believe in asking questions, which is my right. I’m not sure how anyone can be offended by the post I wrote.

    6. If SJP was so philanthropic, a percentage of the sales would go to charity, it’s interesting how many people feel like she’s doing them a favor by making money. It’s also been very interesting to compare the reaction to her line vs. the Amanda Bynes line.

    7. I find the comments regarding how the clothes were made very interesting.. based on price, I doubt they were made in the USA, but I could be wrong. Not one person, even Oprah, asked this question. The cynic in me says that the need to have a certain lifestyle is more important to some people than the impact of the clothing on the greater world

  10. I don’t watch tv anymore, so I did not see the Oprah episode in question.  I did however read that SJP was quoted as saying the criticism of her line was ridiculous because she was providing fashion for women who would not otherwise be able to afford it.

    My first thought was, “So women in lower income brackets deserve ill fitting cheaply made clothing?  And its supposed to make them feel pretty?”

    I am trying to bare in mind that writers often take liberties that they should not with phrasing.  Maybe she didn’t actually read the critiques… maybe she just heard they were getting “mean” reviews.

    I cannot find the article now, I think it was in the NYT fashion section.

  11. I love this line!! Some of these people don’t know fashion apparently. What is it because it isn’t revealing? As a mom I can honestly say, I would wear this line on a daily basis, I think it’s a wonderful idea. Under $20, I can afford to get spit up on with that. It’s about time someone realized not everyone has money to waste on designer clothes, I have kids to cloth as well as myself. I’ll be eager to see if they decide to extend the line to men’s and children’s, that would be awesome. Keep up the good work and don’t let these bad comments slow you down. I can’t wait to buy my first pair of jeans from this line.

  12. I saw the show, and whatever SJP’s reasons for doing the line, I’m not really concerned.

    I’ve never been into the brand on the clothing as much as I’ve been attracted to particular styles, and what I liked about the Bitten clothes were their simplicity and clean, understated-ness.  I’ve seen Isaac M.‘s stuff in Target – don’t like it.  But there were quite a few ensembles strutted on Oprah’s stage that I found myself wanting to order immediately.

    I wonder if the lack of enthusiasm from O’s audience had anything to do with the fact that much of what was being showed wasn’t ultra-trendy, and destined to look idiotic on someone in three months when the trend passes?

  13. I was a little hesitant about this line because it is at Steve and Barry’s even though I love love love SJP, but after watching Oprah I believe I have found my new favorite clothing line. It is PERFECT. You can tell on Oprah Sarah was just so passionate about the line and that putting it at Steve and Barry’s makes it afforadble. I plan on being the first person in line. It shows that style is not defined by the price tag, but by your creativity.

  14. I read a lot of the comments on here and they were pretty negative. I agree it may not look like clothes that she would usually wear but she does have money. Most of you are missing the point of this clothing line is for women that can’t afford to buy Gap or even Target. Those who are being negative may not understand what is to be broke. And obviously if your well off she didn’t make this clothing line for you. This is my opinion.

  15. I think SJP did a wonderful job stating these were supposed to be good, quality BASIC peices that would look good for very little money. Yes, she will make money – but she already has a high end perfume – she could have easily gone high end. I think she delivered the best available line for such low prices.
    I have yet to see it in person – but most of the stuff I saw, I said to myself, “Heck Yeah, I would buy that whole outfit for less than $40!”

    This has the potential to start something big. More Quality and fashionable items for lower prices. Rome isn’t built in a day, so maybe people should look at the flip side: Bitten (and the Starbury Line) are trying to gain attention for lower priced, quality clothes. They are making it OK for people to not have to spend $200 on jeans or tennis shoes. And unlike many celebs, she is out there wearing it and living it. She DOES wear her line here in the city.

    If the prices were more mainstream, in the market of average retailers, the line would be far less exciting but they are all under $20!!!! Yes, you can find cute items for cheap at Target – but they don’t cost less than $20…

    and Budget Fashionista, I do love you – but why are you frowning on SJP but buying your son Starbury shoes? Seems a little hypocritical. Starbury does a great service to the community, but Bitten is just a celebrity trying to make a buck…???

  16. Thanks for covering this press on Oprah with such thoughtfulness. I was not at all impressed with the clothes that I saw on Oprah yesterday, and I thought that SJP seemed not to be too enthusiastic about the clothes, either. They are just not her (and they certainly are not Carrie Bradshaw, who would LAUGH at this stunt).

    SJP made her name by wearing things that most of us cannot afford and inspiring only envy and wannabe-ness.

    Like Samantha Jones said to her boyfriend Smith on S&tC: “At least wear [these designer] sunglasses. If you don’t wear something that the kids cannot afford [on TRL], how will they know to look up to you?”

  17. I love the new clothing line Bitten.  It is awesome!  To have everything under $20 is a tremendous accomplishment for Sarah.  Most popular inexpensive stores such as Target and Wal-Mart have jeans, blazers, and coats priced for over twenty dollars.  I am twenty-five, a stay at home Mom, and student.  My husband makes $16,000 a year and sometimes we do not have the money to go spend to buy a new dress or outfit for me if we are going out to a party or a family gathering.  I am glad that Sarah Jessica Parker created Bitten and to everyone who chooses to criticize.  Think about how she is helping women like me.  A woman who is a size sixteen who needs an inexpensive coat, bag, and blazer so she can look cute when she is handing her coupons over to the clerk when buying her groceries.  Thank you Sarah Jessica Parker, you rock!

  18. I’m checking out SJP on Oprah (right now there’s a commercial break, so I thought I’d comment on TBF) I’m really not that impressed by SJP’s line, although I kinda like the coats and 2 pairs of jeans. I do commend her for having her clothing line sized from size 2 to 22

  19. You’re assessment is pretty spot-on. While, I too like SJP, she’s doing nothing new. It’s just another line by a celebrity, that’s suppose to be cheap and chic, but lacks the chic part.

  20. I agree with everything you’ve said about this line, and with your observations about the Oprah show today. I’ve never been very impressed with the quality of clothing at Steve and Barry’s, and nothing from the Bitten line looks new – I could buy all of it at Target (and it would probably be better quality!) The thing that bothers me the most, though, is the condescending attitude (like we should be saying, “Thank you, fashion gods from hollywood, for coming down and gracing us with your amazing style, we will buy anything that you endorse, even if it is junk!”)

  21. I agree, nothing new and they are totally condescending. It’s all about money, however SJP wants to spin it. I only saw the end, but Oprah didn’t seem that enthusiastic either, she was much more into Stephon Marbury.

    I find SJP and her message hypocritical when, let’s be honest, modern day slave labor is producing the clothing. Since they have their own stores, S&B can do what they want as far as bad labor practices.

    I think Bitten might be successful at first, but eventually fade away. I don’t know what S&B is thinking, SJP, Amanda Bynes? It’s totally not their target customer.

  22. I agree with the previous blogger. I did see it on Oprah and I saw the lukewarm reaction, it was actually a bit humorous. However the bottom line is that I’m on your site seeking to find these clothes because they are the Gap alternative for cheap. I am a busty size 12/14, and I have always been the ‘in-between’. I am tall (5’9) so I need something that will cover up above, and then actually make it down to waist with (dare I say?) fabric to spare. I need jeans I can sit in (crack kills and I don’t like all that ankle action from short pants)

    I would look foolish in Forever 21 (shocking that they will fit the tweens, but those who are of age, can’t fit). I look frumpy wearing plus-size, so I’m looking for a classic but sexy chic style. Gap/Old Navy don’t celebrate nor accentuate my curves. Many of their styles are for straight and narrow bodies, and the items for the curvy figure are not fashionable.

    So I’m hoping for the best, if nothing else I can at least update my basics. The basic black dress seen on Oprah yesterday, would probably be a purchase, along with the 3/4 length coat.

    We all know SJP is NOT wearing any of these items. How fake did she sound trying to express how much she “loved” this and that. However, I will buy some of her stylist’s suggestions for cheap. Why not, I don’t live in a world where $120 for a sweater is ok.

    Thanks for keeping me in-the-know.

  23. You’re right about the line being nothing new.  And the vest shown at the end did look cheap.  Even cheap people don’t want to look cheap.

  24. I find your attitude offensive. The bottom line is that if a celebrity like Sarah Jessica Parker really wanted to make a lot of money, she could have charged a hell of a lot more for her clothing line. This is coming from a girl who shops anywhere from Target to Prada. I am only on your site because the one time I’ve watched Oprah in the past six months, I was relieved to find her interviewing a celebrity about something other than tabloids. I googled Bitten and your blog was the first to pop up – I don’t know how that happened.

  25. Agreed that no one would pay it any mind were she not associated with it. Also, I was sort of under the impression that true blue Carrie Bradshaw fans would never want to be associated with anything so lowly as “discount fashion.” My only other thought watching the slightly nauseating (nauseating because SJP seems to be under the impression she’s doing God’s Work, churning out disposable “fashion” for housewives from the heartland) segment on Oprah today was that any discussion of the economics of production of this line was curiously absent. I’m assuming the worst: that the line is sewn by eleven year olds in Guatemala and Moldova.

  26. I stand corrected, I have seen Steve & Barry’s before, I just looked it up on line.  It’s a mall store, like so many mall stores (Contempo, Charlotte Russe and so on).  I’ve never been in this store as I thought it was a sporting goods store and SJP’s line isn’t going to encourage me to go in, but at least I get all of the hubbub.  I guess it is true that there is no such thing as bad publicity, thought I still won’t be going into a Steve&Barry’s at least I now know who they are.

  27. I saw the Oprah show. I must admit I to was expecting to see some super trendy pieces, but I was not diasappointed when I saw the models strut across the stage in basics. Hell, all the clothing in the line costs less than $20 dollars. Plus, the line was made for the everyday lady. And although many of us would like to look or red carpet best everyday, lets face it half of us can’t afford to buy the clothes SJP sported as Carrie on SATC and the other half cannot fit into a double zero dress. Sure the line is not as nice as Isaac’s Target line, he’s a pro and most of the clothing from that line costs more than $20 dollars. But I did see some great pieces in the Bitten line, for example, the sailor pants and black shirtdress that will look great with the trendy pieces already in my closet.

  28. I just saw the Bitten line and based on what I read I did want to hate it.  Only I could not.  I did like some the items. I liked a couple of dresses and a coat, which were only priced at around 19.98!  Look I think that buying things just because someone famous endorses it is just plain stupid. So I based my comment on what I saw.  I think that some of items of the bitten line were just cheap looking or just plain. While others looked nice.  I do agree that most of the items of the SLP line lack originality. You could find almost all of these items at other stores, but not at these prices or even these sizes.

  29. My personal feeling is that these clothes look like they were rescued from a London work house, they just seem very “gray”, but perhaps my need for richer color is based on the season and the part of the country I live in (here we dress for perpetual spring). 

    At any rate, it would also be good to note that Oprah’s audiences are hand picked (I used to live near Chicago), and when shows are taped they will do it over and over till an audience looks totally enthused, so if her audience didn’t LOVE the clothes, then they probably didn’t like the clothes.

  30. What is wrong with people!  These clothes are better then what they sell in bore-Mart.  I’m a mother of 2 girls, so there is little money left for me. It is great that someone is trying to make a difference.  Please tell me where i can get them in el paso tx.  thank you SJP.

  31. I saw SJP and “Bitten” fashions on Oprah. Was impressed with how they looked on “TV”. Target does put out a pretty good quality clothes, hope these are par to.  Most other “discount” stores do not have any quality in their clothes.

    When Oprah normally has “reasonable priced” clothes on, instead of the $1500 price for one outfit – it is ONLY $400.  Wow – out of the everyday person’s budget.  Soooo – was impressed that SJP did this if for no other reason as to impress on Oprah – that this is the prices “real” people need.

    Also – have no idea where any stores called Steve & Barry’s is.  Was going to tell my daughter and daughter-in-law of how cute, but now wonder if could even find.  Someone might advise us of locations.

  32. I watched SJP on Oprah and while I didn’t totally dislike the clothes, I wasn’t in love with them either.  Just like Oprah’s audience, apparently.  The styles are rather…ordinary.  There is nothing to distinguish them from anything you’d find at stores like JCPenney, Target, Meijer, Wal Mart, or any other discounter. 

    The coats looked cute and I will at least check them out.  I have had luck with outerwear from Steve & Barry’s, having purchased two of their men’s varsity jackets for $8.98.  I am rather impressed with the quality of them, plus they are warm, which is important in Michigan.  🙂

    I do, however, appreciate SJP making the line up to a size 22.  I am a bigger girl and often the celebrity lines (like Madonna’s at H&M) don’t go beyond a 16. 

    I guess I will go to Steve & Barry’s and at least see what the stuff looks like in person.  What I won’t do is buy it just because 1. it is cheap and 2. it has SJP’s name on it.  If the quality is not decent, at the very least, forget it.

  33. Would I buy her line just because it’s SJP? No, completely no.  Would her name make me look at it a little more closely?  Of course.

    Having said that I was not impressed.  I looked at the Oprah slideshow and at the Bitten Lookbook online.  Ehh.  They’re ok.  I agree with everyone else.  Too basic for me to really get excited.  But the real test for me was the photo shoot in Glamour.  SJP’s pieces were paired with high end everything.  They were modeled on a size 2 (or zero) body, and styled by a pro.  Even with all that, I saw two outfits I really liked.  A beautiful jacket, very Chanel in style, a gorgeous dress in a flowy gauzy fabric, some beautiful shoes including a pair of ivory ankle boots.  Would you believe the jacket was Chanel, the dress was Burberry, the boots Christian Louboutin.  All price upon request.  That said it all for me.

    At least when Target styles their Go lines, they use all the accessories and pieces from the actualy line, except for the shoes.  They don’t pair things with higher end labels, even from the same store.  I’d rather buy Patrick Robinson and Libertine from Go.

  34. The truth will be revealed with consumer reaction next month.  If you remember, Beyonce’s reveal of House of Dereon resulted in a lukewarm reception by Oprah, and the masses truly voiced their opinions on the sizing/pricing, hence their Dereon line.

    Celebrities need to stick to what they do best, is my opinion.

  35. The Bitten clothing looks okay, and I like a couple things but not enough to buy it.  I can get high-end clothing at cheaper prices at thrift stores and recycle items at the same time. It is great that the sizes are larger to accommodate more women.

    I really prefer the designer lines at Target.  I was thinking about looking at one of the Bitten coats, but I just saw the Alice Temperley photos of the Target collection and I’m swooning.  I’ll use my money for that collection!

  36. The Bitten clothing looks okay, and I like a couple things but not enough to buy it.  I can get high-end clothing at cheaper prices at thrift stores and recycle items at the same time. It is great that the sizes are larger to accommodate more women.

    I really prefer the designer lines at Target.  I was thinking about looking at one of the Bitten coats, but I just saw the Alice Temperley photos of the Target collection and I’m swooning.  I’ll use my money for that collection!

  37. i watched the show. i thought the point of sjp was to create basics for every woman at affordable prices – not trendy pieces. after all, that’s why you have forever 21 right? i can’t speak for the quality of the clothes since i can’t see them, but i’m intrigued by the idea of it. regardless if it’s attached to SJP or not, i like the idea.

    a suit for $40? that’s fantastic for people who can’t afford a suit but need one for interviews.

    if anything, it just gives people another choice when it comes to clothes.

  38. No offense to anyone, but who would really buy a $20.00 coat? You know at that price the quality can’t be at all good. I’ve learned over the years that it is probably better to spend a little more, especially for something like a coat, because the quality is often times better.

    TBF, I think you are spot on with everything you wrote, including the S&B publicists blanketing the comments section. Designers can often make much more $ by going the mass market route, that’s why they are turning to Target and the QVC. For S&B and SJP, it’s all about money.

  39. Yes, I would by pieces from the line if Sarah Jessica Parker didn’t sign on to the project.  Everyone knows that celebrities put their name on products to make money – that’s a given.  Any smart consumer realizes this & looks at the product for what it is, not who’s name is on it.  NOW, I’m quite annoyed after reading all the comments about how “boring” the line is. Hello, this line is not for fashion forward freaks who are a year ahead of current trends.  The point of this line is that it’s for every women, in every state, of every size & color.  These are basic/classic pieces.  Sarah said this repeatedly during the Oprah show.  If you’re not shopping sales, it is next to impossible to get good looking clothes at the prices offered in this line (even at Target).  Especially for women over a size 14.  I urge people to not fall into the “oh it’s inexpensive so it must be made poorly” way of thinking.  Don’t let corporate America fool you.  They do not need to charge $30-$300 for a pair of jeans to make a profit.  I don’t care who the designer is.  It’s not always quality you’re purchasing, it’s the name.  Weren’t you listening when Sarah said this on Oprah?  When Oprah asked “How can you do this [charge so little for the clothes]”  Sarah answered, “The world doesn’t work the way you think it does.  You can do this, you just have to make up your mind that this is what you want to do.”  Meaning, they are making less money off each piece vs other designers that over charge & have a large profit margin.  However, I’m sure they are hoping to make up that loss in volume.  It’s basic business.  I will definitely be purchasing several pieces (in fact that’s how I got hooked into reading these postings.  I googled the line so I could order).  Will I like every piece? Of course not. Am I super stoked to get a few cute clothes/bags/shoes at a really good deal? Heck yes!  Happy shopping ladies – buy whatever floats your boat.

  40. I aim not really a fan of Sarah so I do not now if I would buy or not I did not watch Oprah that day but say the previews and heard about the clothing line if I like something I will buy it.I do not have to have a name brand item I suppose if I had lots of money I would probly buy Gucci,Tommy Hilfinger If I like something I will buy it.Hope she does well for herself.

  41. kinda creepy that steve and barrys employees are posting here…can you ban their IP address from posting?

    i live in boston and there isnt a steve and barrys within a hundred miles away. since steve and barrys doesnt have an online store i doubt the line will sell in my state very well.

    i also read an sj interview where she was quoted as saying that she wasnt pretending that any of the garments were in her closet.

    if she wont wear them, why should we?

  42. This line is pretty darn blah (with the exception of the houndstooth overcoat and the canvas satchel) and cheap-looking. And at those prices, there is certainly exploited labor—women and children—involved; how can one admire or support SJP’s “gift” to the average woman knowing that? This is purely another money-making venture; today’s celebrity-“produced” clothing line or perfume is akin to the celebrity endorsements of yore (cigarettes, cars, household goods). People, stop being marketed to and think for yourselves.

  43. as a woman who used to shop at Forth & Towne (and liked it) because it gave me trends in my size (fluctuating between 18-20), i have to say that i want a few basic pieces from the Bitten line to be available online.  yes, i had a question about how good the quality could be for a $20 coat, but that houndstooth jacket was cute and if it’s in my size, i’ll get it.

    for me, it comes down to size.  yes, i could spend my rent money on marina rinaldi (high-end clothes for women in a whole range of sizes) or i can actually pay my bills and get a few cute, trendy t-shirts that won’t make me look like i’m shopping at the Limited. 

    unfortunately, until the big retailers like GAP or JCrew begin to carry my size in exactly the same styles as everyone else, i’ll be forced to buy cute clothes where i can find them.  SJP may not be doing anything new but there are so few options for professional plus sized women (who aren’t down with the whole boxy suit thing) that we tend to snatch what we can get.

  44. Oprah’s audience isn’t in the demographics this line is targeting.  Simple.

    Would I buy the clothes?  No.  I’m not in the demographic either.  🙂

  45. Personally, I came on the Internet to see where I can buy these clothes.  I have never watched Sex and the City because my husband works for the US Government overseas and HBO doesn’t give episodes to the military to be shown for free.

      I will be in the States soon and I want to get some clothes that are my size.  I have been dieting and no, we can’t afford expensive clothes.  I liked the style and the price of these clothes.

  46. The answer to the original question she was asking, is that these clothes would most likey have not been on Oprah if SJP’s name wasn’t on the label. Also most of you would probably not even care. Now that being said I may buy some of these pieces for my 15 year old daughter. I am not so sure about myself. I have been in Steve and Barrys. It’s a good place to buy kids clothes because they usually wear them out before they grow out of them. But the quality is very poor. You can tell just by looking at the clothes. The cotton t-shirts even feel cheap (if you know what I mean). So we’ll have to wait and see. I will definatley go and check them out.

  47. I for one may be in the minority,but for someone who has been on both ends of the size spectrum ,I am excited to see the entire line of clothes.It is a fact the bigger the size you wear the uglier the clothes.If you are a 2-8 clothes are very cute,but it seems from there as your size expands clothing style diminishes.Truly!! If a fashion designer would focus on larger women with great style and beauty they would make more money than they could ever believe possible.I hope this will be the line thats accomplished that.

  48. I am just trying to get me a pair of jeans and be done with it. I’ll spend $$ on shoes and purses elsewhere. I have to look at her clothing up close to make any judgements.

  49. I was trying to find a Steve and Barry’s close to where I live so that I could check out the SJP line, and I found something that was a little confusing to me…  Is the Bitten line supposed to be available at all Steve and Barry’s or just at certain locations??
    And to respond to the main question here, I find that Bitten is something that I would buy even if it didn’t have SJP’s name on it… I shop at stores like GAP and Banana Republic and J. Crew and anywhere else I can find pieces of clothing that are interchangeable, go with other pieces of clothing I already own, and will be in style next year, or til whenever the clothes are worn out.  If I hadn’t seen it on Oprah, I probably wouldn’t have known about it for a while, but would still have wanted to buy it.

  50. I taped the Oprah show and watched it over the weekend – and completely agree with the Budget Fashionista Review. 

    1.  The Bitten Clothing line was less than impressive – it is lacking in originality and quality.

    2. I love SJP but not sure she can “sell” the clothes.  Tell us something about them, other than that you are “excited.”

    3. Do I dare post this….  but isn’t anyone out there disappointed with Oprah and the quality of her show these days?  Why didn’t Oprah ask some of the “hard questions” already asked by those on this message board.  How is it that they are able to make clothes for under $20.00?  Where are these clothes being made?  AND The SJP episode was blatten product placement.  It was like watching an hour long commercial?  What happened to the raising of public consciousness and discussion of issues that matter?

  51. I think it’s interesting that everyone keeps mentioning the quality of the clothes when I have read numerous articles (and an interview with a high end designer—I can’t remember his name)that all say that the cost of producing clothes across the board is generally the same. The jeans you got from Gap or True Religion hardly ever cost more than $5 to make. Why knock a clothing line that is giving people on a budget more options. I make less than $20,000/year, it’s hard for me to spend more than $20 on a clothing item (I bought a dress for $75 once and it pretty much broke the bank). However, I still love clothes and I want to look decent. I like the clothes in her line, yes they’re basics, but sometimes that’s all you need.

  52. I checked out the Bitten site and have read the reviews and I have to say that I like the clothes and would buy them without SJP’s name attached. I go for styles I like and not the brand name. The prices are what attracted me. I don’t make a lot of money (I don’t even make 25K a year) and I simply cannot afford higher clothing prices. I go to thrift stores all the time and find some designer stuff for extremely good prices, but it’s no guarantee that thrift stores will always have that sort of thing. I’m not hard on clothes and take great pains to take care of them, so I manage to get lots of wear from my clothes. Another point is that SJP expressed that the line is not super trendy. That’s important to someone who doesn’t have a lot of disposable income; you’ve got to be sure that you’ll be wearing something for a few years and not waste money on a passing fad. I like that there are things I can wear to work in the line. So many new lines (celebrity or not) have things that I could only wear out to a club or bar and I don’t go to those places enough to get the wear for my money. I’m not sure about where or how the clothes are manufactured.  The truth is, there aren’t a lot of clothes made in the U.S. anymore where workers’ conditions are better monitored. If I went in my closet and looked at all the tags on my clothes, most of them have been made outside the United States. I can maybe count on one hand the number of U.S. made clothes that I own. Besides, after the Kathy Lee sweatshop story broke, I think celebrities attaching their name to a clothing line are more careful about that sort of thing and wouldn’t want their name brought out in a repeat scenario. That could just be wishful thinking on my part.  Besides if you don’t like the way the clothes are, you can always alter them. Buy a tshirt and cut it up, stitch on some patches or buy some fabric dye and make it your own. I do that sometimes as well for more originality. I also can’t wait for the sales. When clothes are already $20 and under, it will be even better when things are put on sale to make room for the line’s new season!

  53. I wanted to say that anything that I can purchase for under $20 is a steal.  I have beautiful clothing that I am afraid to wear becasue of the kids.  I always look rather good in the morning, but at the end of the day, I am wearing their food and have to try to save my outfits.  I could care less if a tee got destroyed at a day to the zoo or the park.  You can get many more. I am going to reserve my judgement until I “kid test it.”

  54. Hiii…I was just wondering if anyone remembers what that strange word Sarah Jessica Parker used in relation to making her clothing line? It’s driving me bonkers thinking about it!!!

  55. I am v. excited about this collection. I Saw it on oprah, and i wasnt overly ooh-hh about it, but then again, how many people go freaky over designer duds on the runway that i wouldnt let me dog poop on, and at thousands of dollars? yet all anyone can say, is a bit boring..well i guess thats me then!

    I love the idea of basic pieces at great value, yes time will tell if they are decent quality items, but if they last a year It will have been worth it. I shop at steve and barrys for my son and husband.  the ladies collection in there has always been a little random, so im looking forward to this new stuff that goes together..Ive always thought the mens stuff they sell in S&B is great for the prices, and i would compare to old navy.. cargos, shorts, dress shirts, cable knit sweaters? under 10 bucks!

    even old navy/target arent really cheap to me, 20 bucks for kids jeans, 30 for mens/womens. gap are 60! I applaud anyone who makes clothes more affordable for us. I have no problem with sjp for doing this, thing is-most of the US cant afford the fancy-shmancy stuff, but we can look put together if we try!

  56. Would I be interested in the clothes if SJP wasn’t connected? I wouldn’t know about them if she wasn’t attached, but at those prices, hell yes I would consider buying them.
    I, too, was really disappointed with both Oprah and SJP for not addressing ethical (or otherwise) trading practices and labor conditions. Since it wasn’t mentioned at all, I suspect they have nothing to brag about in that department. However, what most people are ignoring, except Hayl up there, is the fact that even expensive clothes are unethically produced by underpaid, abused foreign labor. Victoria’s Secret, Express, A&F, you name it – all higher end brands, and as far as I know they’re all made abroad where the workers are paid less than peanuts. All you’re doing is putting more money in the hands of the designers and distributors, definitely not helping the disenfranchized masses.
    It has been my experience that higher prices don’t necessarily mean higher quality levels, but higher quality level invariably means higher prices. That’s just the way it is.
    Also, just my opinion, but Mizrahi’s Target line is nothing to write home about. It’s not THAT cheap, and I find it for the most tacky, frumpy, and made of really gross synthetic fibers. Their younger designer lines marketed for juniors are pretty cute and stylish, but like everything else at Target, the fit is generally woeful. Also those particular styles aren’t affordable for a lot of people.
    I like SJP too as an actress, but TBF is spot on. Don’t buy into the PR. SJP as a private person, for all we know, could be a delightful gal. What she shows of herself to the masses is purely marketing.

  57. I would probably buy these clothes, regardless of who makes them. I’m definitely not a label-wearer; for me it’s all about whether the item flatters my body. It’s hard to judge quality until you see and feel a fabric yourself but the idea of basics under $20 is fresh. Last I checked, this was the “budget fashionista” blog, so what’s up with some comments belying snobbery and insensitivity to the budget-conscious? It is odd to me that some people automatically assume that the Bitten line’s price means it’s any more cheaply made than Gap clothes or even more expensive stuff. I’ve made that mistake time and again: $75 cotton shirts from Anthropologie that say “Made in China” and turned out to be of very thin/poor material and quality; $50 clearance for a sweater from that same store that I then discovered had a giant hole in it because it was poorly knit. Do you think these things cost more for the company to produce than what Bitten costs to produce? They’re ALL making money hand over fist on what amounts to total garbage, quality-wise. So I say, let’s all get over the snob appeal that the fashion world tries to sell us, and praise clothes that are affordable and not totally Sears-catalog-esque. It doesn’t mean we all have to like and wear the Bitten line. It does mean we shouldn’t assume expensive clothes are always better, or that marketing to a budget audience is demeaning somehow. That’s just playing right into the big designers’ ploys. As for all the comments that there is nothing new here, it seems to me that’s really not the point of this line. I mean, what exactly is “new” anyway, and we can all use this stuff in our wardrobe, unless some of you always go grocery shopping in a dress from Barney’s and some Manolos. In which case, what are you doing reading this “budget” blog?

  58. What it comes down to is SJP claims to be selling a superior product at a low price—and she’s not. As many others have pointed out, we have seen these clothes at low prices, and we’ve seen them done better: Target, Old Navy, even Wal-Mart.

    What makes it even worse is that SJP expects to be seen as helping the poor or disadvantaged somehow. Sorry if I don’t think you’re a saint! There’s nothing new in this: many designers have done lines for Target, and anyone remember Jaqueline Smith for KMart like 20 Years ago? I don’t remember any of these people patting themselves on the back like they’re saving the world or something.

    I tend to like SJP because she tends to come across as “Down to Earth.” But her insistence that we all be somehow *grateful* for her clothing line seems to belie this.

  59. To those commenting about the Glamour shot SJP did, everyone knows you take your inexpenive pieces and pair them with more expenisve ones. Didn’t you guys ever watch “The Look for Less”? I loved that she styled her low budget clothing with her high end desinger ones.

    I also really like her line. I’m 21 and in college and those pieces are just what I’m looking for. Simple basic pieces that I can pair with more expensive(well as expensive as my budget goes) ones. I already decided I’m going to spend my next paycheck on some of her items.

    Would I buy it if her name weren’t on it? Yes, if knew about it and liked the quality. I don’t care whose name is on the tag, if it’s pretty, fits me well, and is within my budget, more than likely I’m going to buy it.

  60. Here comes the rain on everyone’s parade!!!!!

    Let me begin by saying Sarah Jessica Parker
    has always struck me as a wholesome, grounded
    actress and that her Cary Bradshaw character
    will likely go down in history as one of the most endearing TV characters of all time.

    Unfortunately, I take great issue with some of the commercial endorsements she’s made through the years, particularly the GAP and now this most recent, Sweatshop perpetuating line – Bitten.

    The tragedy here is that Miss Parker is encouraging American consumers to make PRICE the most important criterion in their shopping decisions.

    In other words, environmental, social and labour considerations for her line are of zero import.

    Anyone who thinks clothing under $25 can be made
    from ecologically sound fabrics or by fairly paid,
    un-indentured labourers is lying to themselves or just to apathetic to give a hoot.

    Shame on Sarah Jessica Parker and shame on shoppers who keep brands like this in existence.

  61. I think sjp has done a good thing, with steve and barry. i’m really tried of spending money on my expense clothes and everybody goes to tjmaxx and other outlet stores and spend less for their. i’m petite and really like sjp style and i’m learning to save more of my money in the bank and look just as good with affordable clothes. to each it’s own but i’m not going to continue to make others richer when it doesn’t take all that for everyday wear. one day maybe i’ll do what sjp is doing with my own name…
    linda (Ca)

  62. I know I’m a little late to the party, but I recently emailed Steve and Barry’s to find out about their manufacturing practices (I didn’t know anything about the store at all) and this is an exceprt from the response I received:

    “We manufacture our merchandise in many countries around the globe, including the United States and most continents.

    Also, we require very high standards for the working conditions at vendors that produce merchandise sold in our stores.  If you would like to become one of our vendors, you must commit to a working environment that is both socially and legally compliant, governed by a comprehensive system of measures that include ongoing monitoring by both outside agencies and internal compliance teams.  We strongly believe that every single person is entitled to be treated with dignity in a safe working environment, no matter where you happen to live.  Work must be a free choice in a hospitable environment by persons of legal age.”

    Interpret as you might.

    Personally, I love the clothing line.  Anyone who says “I can get the same thing at Gap” should understand one thing: these clothes were not made for you.  SJP has made it clear that these clothes are intended for people who can’t afford to shop at the GAP, or like me, at the very least, prioritize other things above their own clothing needs (despite an addiction to browsing the Marc Jacobs website).  Personally, I am grateful for a truly affordable clothing line with some great mainstay pieces and a few trendy ones.  Even if it is “yet another” of the same.  To me, all of you that go on about how this line is pointless sound smug.  And of course Steve and Barry’s and SJP are making money—why do you go to work every day?

  63. Of course I would have no interest in the Bitten line if SJP were not associated…duh! I will reserve judgement until I can actually touch and try on the clothing in person.

  64. Please let me know how to find out where these items were manufactured and what hourly wage was paid to the people who stitched those wavy seams.  I remember others who were called to task because of the low wages paid to overworked employees overseas in order to produce “inexpensive” garments. Thanks for helping me research this question.

  65. Just because this line is inexpensive doesn’t mean that it is made in sweatshops. Now, I don’t know the exact practices involved in making the clothes for this line, but do you think if you spent 200 for a tee that means that it WASN’T made in a sweatshop? the only way to know for sure if an item of clothing is made in a sweatshop or not is for you to make it yourself…and i bet you couldn’t do it for 7.50!
    I think this line is great, I am especially happy that it is carried in sizes up to 22. Many stores are now offering plus size lines, but the style goes away at about 16. As if, once you reach that size, you have become blind.
    Props to SJP and S+B for thinking of this idea! Is it to make money? Of course it is people! Obviously, no one is going to go into business and sell clothes and not want to make a dime off of it. That is business.

  66. HELLO, who are she fooling people———-Sarah J’P’s clothing is being made in a sweat shop, probably by children———in a third world country.  HOW two faced can Oprah and the others who give her a stage be????

  67. I come from Australia, and the SJP line will probably not make it here, that said, I have seen the video’s and I’ve been to the site to have a look at the range. Why did I go? Well, simple, it’s SJP and I love her. Did I like the clothes? No. I was excited by the idea that it was a budget line in sizes that would fit a real person, and I admit that I was excited because it had SJP’s name attached to it. What did I expect? The same quirky fashion sense that she displays in her own personal style, isn’t that why so many people like her? The range is mediocre at best and displays nothing of SJP’s style at all. There is nothing that you can’t buy in just about any discount clothing store world wide, and, in fact, the looks are outdated. I think people will buy it for the same reason people stormed Target for the Stella McCartney range – there’s a big name attached to it. I also think they will return them for the same reasons – because they are ill fitting and poorly made.

  68. I just saw SJP’s line on the Today Show, other than the houndstooth coat, I can’t say that I was really impressed with the colors, however I am impressed with the sizing.  I love Target, especially Isaac,but their sizing is very limited and the designer clothing they have for a limited time is very cheaply made, which is fine for ultra trendy clothing that will be out of style next month.  A word though about pricing.  I put myself through school working at a dry cleaner in an upscale part of town and I saw every designer known to man.  Just because you pay top dollar for clothing DOES NOT mean that you are getting quality.  Some designers make things very cheaply.  As a consumer, you need to check seams and know fabric quality.  Don’t just assume that because you spent a great deal of money that you are getting quality.  As for the original question about buying something because it has a celebrity name, no I wouldn’t and probably won’t buy anything from this line except for that cute houndstooth coat, and I will check out the quality before buying it.  This is my first visit to your blog, I really like it and I will be back!

  69. I think the line has great potential. First of all, basics are a good idea for anyone’s wardrobe. Second, of course the clothes are cheap thats what is so great! Third, you are not going to get freaking chanel for $14.99, if you want chanel you buy chanel. If Sarah Jessica Parker choses to put her name on it, it is to either make money and or because she thought it was a good deal. Sure the clothes have a gap feel but at least there not at a gap price. I think that the line is simple but practicle and I am excited to see what they put out next.

  70. Went to Steve & Barrys to try on some of the Bitten line yesterday.  I am a 6 or 8 and the 8 fit like a 4 leg/but and a 12 waist!! Tops I found to be cut like most other stores – SKINNY.  As a 36D I like a little room to breathe – why am I needing to wear an XL???  Also, claims are sizing up to 22.  XL top is all I can find – I would hate to be an actual size 22 and try to fit into these XLs.  Maybe we should go back to buying clothing that fits an forget the name on the inside of the tag – who sees it anyway!!!!

  71. Boo on you.  Some of the stuff coming out of some of the stores, i.e. Target, Old Navy, etc are for women 18.  Hell I am 59 and still like to look “sharp” without trying to look 19.  I like her look and God Bless Her……Angela

  72. I just went to Steve and Barry’s and had no intention of even checking out her line. However I could not resist when I saw the prices and the sizes. Her clothes were cute not over the top and very affordable. I bought a cute blue striped button up for less than 10 dollars. Her jeans were in my size (18) and under 15 bucks. I don’t know about MOST of the bloggers here but I can accessorize and wear the hell out of an outfit. Maybe you guys need need to be more creative!

  73. I heard about the Bitten line on the Today show and I was curious about it because I think SJP always looks cute. The clothes were okay, when I actually see them I can make a better judgement.
    But in my bargain shopping I have discovered that always shopping from the place that tells you they are the cheapest isn’t always the best practice. For example you can go to a place like Ross or Marhsall’s and search for something you sort of like only to find you could have gotten something better from a regular store for the same price or cheaper either on the sale rack or on the wall!
    My point is, you don’t have to always go to the discount store. The old reliables are fine. Express always has good sales except for the classic work pieces,but I bought my work clothes from there several years ago and they still look new. Anyway,H&M has great clothes and JcPenney isn’t bad. And for bigger girls Torrid and Lane Bryant have sales too.
    Sometimes you just have to able to think for yourslef, just because they say “Look at me, I’m so cheap” doesn’t mean that everyone else is so high. And just for the record when I buy something expensive(once every other blue moon) it has to be American made which is why ,even though I love Beyonce ,I couldn’t support her line.

  74. With or without her name, I was not at all impressed with the line. When I heard about it I thought “Oh wow, SJP will come up with something fabulously different, yet affordable”. Well, that certainly didn’t happen and you’re right about Oprah’s audience -they were probably thinking the same thing. Mizrahi and Mossimo contributed so much more and although theirs are a bit more than SJP’s $19.98 cap, I’m okay with it becasue the quality and style are desirable. Hopefully, SJP will have better ideas for a Fall collection. In addition, I wonder if critics labeled her a sell out as they did to those who created lines for Wal-Mart and Target! Hmmm?

  75. I purchased 2 items from the Bitten line on Friday night in Long Island. After reading some of the comments here I was expecting the line to be terrible, but I was pleasantly surprised. I saw a lot of cute items. And YES… being a size 18, I would buy the clothes even if SJP was not attached to it. I say that because wearing a size 18 and a size 12 shoe I have a hard time finding clothing that isn’t MATRONLY. Unfortunately I will be returning the cute jeans as they are not made for girls with the big ol booty.

  76. I love sjp and i was so excited to check out her line. I bought a pair of her peep toe cork wedges and 2 hours into my daughters recital i went to the bathroom and noticed that the outer rubber lining had come undone in both shoes and was flopping as i walked and it was noticed by another mom i was humiliated i may have to switch my daughter’s dance school i know that all of the other moms know by now. I had to cancel celebration dinner because it was just too embarrasing. Needless to say i will never buy bitten again i am emensely disappointed in you sarah you of all people should know that the shoe makes the outfit. I guess i got what i paid for a cheap pair of shoes.

  77. I bought the jeans jacket for $14.98—it is really cute and well made for the $—I am usually an 8 but had to buy the XL—the girl at S&B told me all the sizes run small—but a small price to pay for good stuff at a really good price!

  78. i went to steve and barry’s on thursday, when the line came out. the store was completely empty. i tried on some stuff. in every other line, im a 14. i had to try size 18 jeans just to get them on. also the tops were waaaay too clingy. i usually need a large, but had to try the extra larges in this line. sjp needs to realize that real woman are definitely NOT built like her, and need room to breathe!!!!

  79. Ok this is way off subject, but I’m so sick of all the negativity towards Forever 21 that I am reading on here. I am 21 and a size 1, I can fit those clothes perfectly so can my two best friends who are size 5 and size 7, they are 20 and 22. So for the rest of you who think they are for “tweens” well, why don’t you lay off the cheeseburgers?

  80. Yes, I would still by these items if SJP wasnt associated with the line. It probably would not have been featured on Oprah if it was not her line but so what? Of course she started the line to make money, whats wrong with that? At least she did not overprice them just because of who she is. At least you are getting what you pay for, not forking out almost $100 for a tshirt just because it says “J’Adore Dior”. (And yes “J’adore dior” but I cant afford it) From what I have seen, there are some cute pieces.
    Some people buy expensive clothing items that are ugly just because of the name attached to it.

  81. I checked out the Bitten line when it debuted last Thursday. There is one location in the PHX area and the Bitten area was busy but not packed. the girls working there said they didn’t have space to put everything out, but brought out jewelry still in the box and let us paw through it. I found the sizing inconsistent; however I purchased several items after some trial and error in the fitting room. I’m taking a few things back; not because i don’t like them, but because they were impulse buys that I truly do not need. Overall, it was great fun to spend $112 and leave with 15 items. Wore one of the tops out to a bar Friday nite and received several compliments. I’ll be back in a few weeks to see the rest of the line when it becomes available.

  82. All this line does is promote the destructive trend of ‘disposable fashion’ that is saturating the marketplace. These pieces will fall apart, and then be replaced. There will be no guilt (as many mothers here have stated) because they only spent $15 on the garment. What they really mean, is that they wouldn’t feel guilty going out and buying another one. This assures the creators of these mass market lines that when you come back (and you will) you’ll be going to them.

    The highest-profit retailers in the nations are NOT the ones with the highest profit margins, rather, the ones with the lowest margins. Wal-Mart, Target, even the much-talked about Forever 21 bring home some of the highest profits.

    Also, one shouldn’t be acting as though Sarah Jessica Parker is in any way personally accountable for this line beyond sales. She is a spokeswoman.

  83. I went to Steve & Barry’s in Long Island the other day, I was impressed with her line. Some of the clothes are a little too young for me, being 33 however I love her jeans. I had to get a size 20 though I am a size 18. The waist in the jeans were a little big but for $14.98 and with a belt who cares.

  84. the 1 itam from the line i saw was a very cute polkadot blouse, featured in 17 magazine this month. i liked what i saw, and well priced. just bring it to canada…

  85. The Bitten line advertises sizes 2-22 yet when I went to the S&B’s store at Century III Mall I was only able to find a few pairs of size 22 jeans and no size 22 pants or shorts at all in the entire store.  There was a very limited amount of sizes 16-20 pants and shorts, I would estimate around a dozen between all the different styles.  The tops come in S-XXL, but XXL does not always fit a woman who wears a size 18-22 pant, a lot of times they are too narrow and clingy as was the case with the XXL’s I tried on.  There was again a gross shortage of size XXL tops, like searching for a needle in a haystack.  In looking through the rest of the store and apparently they don’t carry anything larger than a size 16 in the other departments.  I guess there is no market for plus sizes in their opinion.  With the Bitten line it is almost as if they are throwing out a few Women’s sizes as a test market just to see if they sell and if so then maybe they will think about carrying more.  I have been looking forward to seeing the SJP Bitten line for weeks ever since I saw her on Oprah and I cannot tell you what a disappointment it was when I finally got there to see it.  Not only were there almost non-existent women’s plus sizes 18-22 as I was lead to believe there would be plenty of them, but the clothing quality was very poor.  The fabric was very thin and flimsy, even in the denim, and the stitching in the seams/hems was crooked.  It does not take a fashion expert to see these are not well made clothes as was also promised when SJP made her Oprah appearance.  I will make it my mission to tell the plus size community not to bother with S&B’s Bitten.  What a waste of time!

  86. I went into Steve and Barry’s yesterday with my husband because he wanted to check out a few things. I had no idea SJP had a clothing line there. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised! I am a person that pairs high end things with low end things….I spend money on shoes and outerwear. I purchased some shorts and a nice racerback tee. They fit wonderfully and I will definitely be back to buy some more items. There was a time when Gap, Express, and Target were a bit more affordable but for the past few years the prices have gotten a bit ridiculous. The SJP line is for every woman. Sometimes you don’t want to spend a lot of money for simple clothing. You want options.

  87. I love the fact that you really talked about Bitten I really do agree with this article following Oprah.  I wouldn’t agree that it is fashion blind many of the pieces were nice decent pieces.  That being said I really think the line is boring, I don’t think that SJP should be designing a fashion line budget or other wise.  And here is one major example where the reality does not live up to the fiction and Sarah Jessica Parker is not the same as Carie.

  88. I shopped the line at Steve and Barry’s and really liked the pieces, unfortunately they are sized completely wrong.  I wear an extra small to small in every other store, but couldn’t fit into anything smaller than a medium of the bitten line.

  89. While I am not naive and realize that SJP is,like everyone, out to make a buck, I find it commendable that she has set out to make an affordable and good looking line of clothing. I would wear even if her name were not attached because the style rivals upper end stores and because the fabric used is relatively good.  SJP was raised in a lower end part of Appalachian Ohio, close to where I live (but I live in the suburbs and a much richer community closer to the columbus) and it seems as though SJP recalls her humble beginnings in this fashion line. Many women do not have even thirty dollars to spend on clothing.  I’m a college student and I want my look to be affordable yet classy.  If a person can make women feel good about themselves and make a dollar, why not?

  90. I cannot believe all the negative comments about this line! Have any of you actually SEEN the clothing in person? Because it is FABULOUS! I live about 20 minutes away from a Steve and Barrys and have driven there three times already. Yes I had to go up a size in shirts, but most of the sizing is true to size. I have NEVER walked in and tried on a pair of jeans and had them fit PERFECTLY, and for 14.98?!! I am a stay at home mom and spending $60 on a great pair of jeans is not an option for me.There are great tshirts with great cuts that are very flattering for less than 8 bucks! Great purses for 10 bucks! All the jewelry is $6, and so so cute, and I even got a swimsuit for $7.98. Some of the pieces are basic, but thats what I love about it because you can dress them up or down. There are some extremely cute pieces in this line! I think on Oprah, the line was NOT represented well at ALL. Some of it looked so 80’s and yucky! In actuality the clothes are very modern looking without being trendy. Poor quality? What are you talking about? When I used to work full time I could afford more expensive clothes, so I know quality. I have been a big fan of SJP since square pegs and just want to tell her THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU Sarah for your affordable, great clothes!

  91. My daughter and I went to Steve and Barrys today. I was very curious to see if in fact her clothing line would fit a larger size everyday woman. After looking at the prices and the sizes I told my daughter I think I can get a few items for her. She is a size 14 and I’m a size 16. I really like most of the clothes and yes I was able to fit most of what I bought. The only thing that I have to exchange is a pair of pants. But so what, I had to bring back a $40 shirt I bought from Ann Taylor Loft. These pants were $9.98.  I spent $178. and I was able to purchase items for both of us! That is very rare. I did a lot of shopping in Target and most of the clothes did not fit me. It was rare to find a shirt I could actually button across my bust. I even have problems fitting into most items from Lane Bryant!
    To answer the question if SJP name was not on the line would I buy it? Yes! I would. If I knew about a clothing store where most of the items were less than $20 and, was not one of those stupid $10 stores where you can only get to wear the clothes only one season, I would be there checking it out. Like most people I like to look good everyday I step out of my house. But I can’t spend over $100 on an outfit.
    Honestly I don’t understand all the nay sayers. SJP clothes are very nice and are basic pieces that will go with things you might already have in your closet. If a mother and a daughter can shop in the same store and come out satisfied, that is a great thing!
    I read a lot about how she is doing this just for the money. Well YEAH! Wouln’t you? How do most people earn a living. They provide a service. If you had the opportunity to put out a clothing line are you just doing it to help people? No you are not. Your first thought is, I can make some cash from this. Then later on down the line you might think it could help a lot of people if your clothes were affordable and well made. But your thoughts will always go back to the same thing. Money!

  92. I have to disagree.  I love the fit of the pants, as a girl with a little junk in the trunk, it was nice to try on a pair of pants and not have to go up a size, because they are too tight across my bottom, but too big in the waist. The bitten pants fit all over.  At Old Navy, for example, the pants give me long crotch (probably what the models on Oprah had.  There are plenty of lines with pants for women built like them!  I have a boo-tay!) and the Bitten pants fit around my butt and weren’t too big in the waist.  They are a rare find.  If you are a size 12 or bigger, Forever 21 is useless………..  Some items are simular to Gap, but Bitten’s prices are more reasonable.  I would love Bitten with or without SJP.

  93. There is no way that clothing, no matter how plain or simple, can be made for under $20 unless it is from a developing country that underpays its workers and subjects them to inhumane working conditions. There is nothing on the Bitten website that addresses this issue. All it says is that the clothing is made in “other countries” and the U.S. Are these third world factories monitored by outside independent agencies? What is the hourly wage and what are the working conditions? Do the factories have child laborers? Does the name Kathy Lee Griffen ring a bell?

  94. For the price you get what you pay for. But the size was a big factor. Not enough larger sizes and the large sizes are an XL or XXL or a 14 or 16. In what country?
    When women can shop at JC Penney, Sears, Newport News, Fredericks or even DOTs and Old Navy and get something that is what it says on the tag.
    And they need to ship more than 2 or 3 in each color.Why is there 10 sm, med, lg and 2 or everything else?
    Large women spend a lot of money to look cute too, I would hate to think SJP and S&B want to say they have something for every size but really don’t want us in their clothes like so many designers today.

  95. Oh I don’t remember if I had posted a comment about this already or not, but…

    I am extremely against stores such as Steve and Barry’s and Forever 21. Yes, the clothing they offer is extremely affordable, but at a staggering cost in quality. This trend of disposable fashion, clothing that one doesn’t feel bad about ruining or throwing away, because they can just go out and get a replacement for cheap, is degrading to the environment.

    “On Tuesday (the same day as the Theory party), a report on WNYC stated that up to 6% of New York City’s garbage output is cast-off clothing and shoes, and that the Union Square Green Market was going to create a drop-off site to help reduce this waste.”

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