Updated on January 28th, 2023
Powdery mildew in the garden looks like a light dusting of whitish-gray mold, usually on the leaves of an outdoor plant. In most cases, rubbing the leaves will remove most or all of this fungal growth, which sort of looks like dirt or dust.
The mildew can occur on the leaves of roses and herb and vegetable plants, although it is known to crop up on other plants. There are commercial fertilizers and fungicides available to eliminate it. But if you prefer a natural approach, try this spray. Be sure to test the spray on a few leaves first to make sure that they are not too sensitive for it.
Treating powdery mildew in garden naturally
You only need three ingredients for this garden mildew treatment:
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 quart water
A few drops of liquid soap
Combine the baking soda, water, and liquid soap in a large container and transfer some to a spray bottle. After testing a tiny bit on each of your plants that have mildew, you can move ahead to the full treatment. Spray the leaves of plants where powdery mildew can be seen, then repeat a week later.
For best results, treat plants as soon as you notice the powdery mildew.