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6 Ways to Recycle a Bridesmaid Dress

Updated on September 14th, 2023

You’re wondering how to recycle a bridesmaid dress because you have too many silk taffeta bombs hiding in your closet, right? Yup, we all have them. There’s a reason those terrible bridesmaid dresses are the punchlines of 27 Dresses and so many bridezilla movies.

If you’re absolutely certain you’ll never wear it again — hahaha, you won’t — read on for six fun ways to repurpose a bridesmaid dress.

1. Sell it on eBay, Poshmark, Thredup

Is your dress from a go-to bridal retailer like Anthropologie? If so, there may be other women searching for the same dress at a lower price. So put it up for sale and see what happens. You might generate some cash and another bridesmaid gets her dress for a huge discounted price. Everyone wins!

2. Donate it

Donate that poofy shouldered number to Goodwill or Salvation Army. Someone with sewing skills might see a diamond in the rough. A nip and a tuck could turn that dress from wedding has-been to prom’s most eye-catching outfit.

3. Repurpose it for Halloween

Remember the 2011 film Bridesmaids? You could easily do a throwback, film-inspired Halloween costume. Or do a zombie bridesmaid. You could even gather up all the former bridesmaids who own the same dress and be a colony of zombie bridesmaids.

All you need is some white foundation, black smudge makeup to circle your eyes, and blood-red lipstick. If you want to go the extra mile, tease your hair into a rat’s nest and smear mud on yourself.

4. Repurpose the dress for home decor

You can make various home decor pieces from that old bridesmaid dress. Quilts, throws, table runners, and pillow covers are just a few options. has the brilliant idea for how to recycle a bridesmaid dress: Use it to make a luxurious tree skirt for the holidays.

5. Alter it

Whether you’re a DIY girl or you are BFFs with a tailor, consider alterations. You may not wear a satin red dress, but maybe you could wear it in pieces. Separate the dress into two parts, and voila, you have a top for a night out on the town. And, you have a bold over-the-top skirt that you can temper with a calm top.

You could also shorten a long bridesmaid dress into a cocktail dress.

Or, consider combining it with elements of another dress to make a new, unique garment.

6. Gift the bridesmaid dress back to the bride

Yes, bridesmaid dresses can be over-the-top. But in truth, playing the part of bridesmaid is the highest honor in a friendship. You can reciprocate by gifting the dress back to the bride. Not as is, of course. That would be ridiculous.

Instead, gift a repurposed version of the dress. Use the fabric to make a quilt, headband, picture frame, or decorative pillow case. The possibilities for creative reinterpretation are endless, depending on how handy you are in the sewing room.

Recycle a bridesmaid dress

Hopefully these six recycling ideas have your creative juices flowing. Home decor, new fashion, a source of cash, or a precious gift — there is a new life for that old dress. Get creative and have fun repurposing!

4 thoughts on “6 Ways to Recycle a Bridesmaid Dress”

  1. Awesome suggestions. I just wish I had known about the “alterations” idea before. I had a bridesmaids gown that actually wasn’t bad, but the color made me look like a ghost with lipstick. I wound up donating it to a local charity. Had I known, I would’ve had it made into a long skirt that I could’ve worn to other affairs.

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