Updated on January 5th, 2023
This post may contain affiliate links*Dear Budget Fashionista,
I have a question and maybe it’s a stupid one. I have a lot of problems with jeans and the fit (or lack there of) around the waist band. There always seems to be a gap. I have a pair in particular that I love and want to keep except for this problem. Is there a way to have them tailored? Is this a common request? Do you have any advice in this area?
You’re not alone! It’s a very common problem. Yes you can have your jeans tailored, but most tailors will not be able to give you that perfect fit because the problem is in the construction of the jeans. Jean manufacturers are making jeans for women that sit right on the hips and these women don’t have as defined a waist as you do so the jeans fit on them without a gap. Tailors can make the waist band smaller and take in the hips, but that would essentially be reconstructing the entire jean. Also working with jean material isn’t easy and the tailoring may cost you more than what the jeans are worth.
Here are some tips to deal with the booty gap caused by poorly fitting jeans.
Try a size smaller
Try a pair of jeans that is a size smaller but choose jeans with 3% spandex/lycra content.
Look for curvy silhouettes
Look for jeans that are made for those with a bit more curves. Try Everlane’s Cheeky jean, Levi’s Curvy Bootcut, or GAP curvy fit jeans.
Wear high-waisted jeans
Try jeans with a higher rise. They’ll go to your waist or about an inch below your natural waist).
Make your own jeans
You can also make your own jeans at MadetoOrderJeans.com or CustomJeans.com, starting from about $70!
Thanks for listing the mejeans websites. I will have fun playing with this later.
Personally, I would never wear apple bottom jeans. I refuse to be a billboard for any label. The apple bottoms splashed across your backside is just tacky. Why do so many of the urban designers take this route? I believe it makes a certain segment of the popular feel like a baller when people can tell what brand they are wearing. It gives one a higher ghetto status.
K…sorry…..all off topic. 🙂 Just hit a nerve…
Thanks again for the sites.
new york and company also has jeans that fit a LOT of body types. always try there =)
i agree with the apple bottom jeans. they’re soooo tacky.
What I don’t understand is how the jeans pictured for the ‘curvy fit’ jeans fit curvy women. The woman in the picture has no curves…
I’ve found that if I look for jeans that are meant for a ‘woman’, not a teen, they typically fit more appropriately. I don’t want everyone seeing my mid-section or my ‘booty’, but I also don’t want my jeans to go all the way up to my rib cage. Gap jeans have fit me well in the past, but lately I haven’t found anything. The last place I found jeans I liked that were affordable was in the misses section at JC Penney’s.
I agree with you both about the advertisement on applebottoms jeans. It’s sad that the best jeans for curvy bottoms has crazy apple shaped pockets on your bum.. I did see a pair of dark wash straight leg applebottoms in Torrid about 2 months ago, that had normal pockets. I think they are starting to get the picture…
A jean question for you—Isn’t it true you should avoid the “stretchy” jean as you (well at least I do) end up with the seat getting a little saggy after a couple of times worn?
Or is it just me? I hope not! 🙂
Try zafu.com, it asks you questions about your body type and then suggests the best jeans for you. I only tried it for fun and could not believe it when the two top choices it offered for me were actually the jeans which I own and wear. I’ve always had the curve and gap problem and currently my favourite is DKNY Soho stretch jean, it should be tight when you buy it because it does stretch out.
As a recent convert to designer jeans, I have to take issue with the ‘advertising’ comment. I don’t buy Citizens because of an inconspicuous squiggle on the back packet, or Sevens because I simply must have an ‘A’ on my butt – I buy them because they fit better. Lots better. They’re longer, and they do amazing things to my butt. I’m 5’11, and a size 6, which means if it fits in the body, it’s going to be 3+ inches too short. If they’re long enough, I’m going to be swimming in them. But, even if I were normal sized, I think I’d still prefer the trendier cuts, superior construction, and healthy dose of stretch to be found in designer jeans. And $300? Please. A decent pair of Sevens is $119 – $159. And if you’re smarter, you wait for a sample sale, where everything costs $60-80, which is coincidently, about the cost of those ‘subtle’ Gap or Express jeans.
I second the suggestion of DKNY jeans! My waist is a LOT smaller than my hips and I have the hardest time finding jeans that fit – the DKNY ones are affordable and fit well. I also got a pair of jeans at Banana Republic on sale for $30 that fit great (though they are a little long so good to wear with boots if you’re average height, not great for shorter people unless you tailored the bottoms).
If you have a Forth and Towne store near you, their jeans are way worth trying. They are a Gap company, and they have several variations on the “Curvy” style under their Gap Edition sub-brand. However, I find these a little too roomy in the thighs to get a nice, sleek look. My favorites are the Prize lowrise bootcut. They are not too low and come in a very flattering dark wash. They fit great in the hips and butt … and NO GAP (so to speak). They stretch, so buy ‘em snug. Reasonably priced, too. ($58.)
P.S. I have a short torso, so I must buy lowrise if I don’t want the jeans coming up under my boobs. So while the Prize jeans come to just below the belly button on me, your mileage may vary.
For Jen—Could your saggy jeans be partly caused by laundering/drying at too high a temperature? Heat breaks down lycra/elastics, so a few hot washes and dries might be making the jeans not “bounce back” to their unstretched size after washing.
AppleBottoms is a brand of jeans founded by rapper Nelly. The jeans feature more room in the bottom and a smaller waist band.
Jen- I can only wear jeans with stretch cause I have a big bottom in relation to my waist. Make sure your jeans have no more than 3% spandex lycra content in them. Also if they’re stretching that much, it could be that the fibers of the fabric have “broken” down and you should try a larger size
I recently found jeans that I love, at Costco…which I know sounds terrifying. They are Lucky Brand jeans in the Mid Rise Flare cut, and sell at the wholesaler for $40. The fit me so much better than any other jeans I’ve purchased recently(which includes jeans from Gap and Express) and do not require a belt to curb that icky butt gap. I checked the Lucky website and couldn’t find anything, but I figured that some of you all must have a Costco membership. The only drawback is that you can’t try them on in the store, but Costco does have the best return policy.
I second Banana Republic… I just bought a pair on sale for $20 yesterday and their waist/hip ratio works well for me. I’m tall though, and they are cut long, so they may not work for petites.
I think the problem with “Designer” jeans, even ones that are not super low-rise, is that many are cut small in the rear – I cannot wear them without fear of mooning people when I sit down. they only fit well as long as I’m standing up!
Actually, if the jeans fit everywhere BUT the waist, it is possible to have them taken in. My tailor sewed 2 darts (one above each back pocket) going from the top of the pocket to the waist, and was able to take in a pair of jeans by 4 inches at the waist without altering the hips. She also charged me less then $10 for this procedure—less than what it costs to have a pair of pants hemmed. The final result is pretty subtle. I mean, if you REALLY stare, you can tell that it’s been altered. But then again, I usually make sure that no one is starting THAT closely at…errr…my back pockets.
Since we are on the subject of jeans…I am a very tall 23 year old girl. I am 6’1” and as an African American girl I have curves (small waist and wider hips). My question is where can I find jeans that are fashionable and will fit me in length or inseam – I need a 37” inseam and am usually a size 8. Please help!
Gap curvy jeans’ dimensions actually aren’t any “curvier”… they just have a wider/more re-enforced waistband. The thigh section is noticeably tighther on me than their original fit jeans, in fact.
I’ve ordered two pairs of jeans from makeyourownjeans.com and I’m never going back to off of the rack. There was tiny gap in the back waist and a bit of looseness in the belly in my first pair of jeans, but with corrections, the second pair just arrived with a PERFECT fit. On top of that it was only two weeks between me placing the order and having my jeans in hand.
I have a very hard to fit body: small waist, wide but flat behind, no belly and very large thighs. But they figured it out.
I basically told them exactly what I wanted and they made them. (low-waist wide-legged jeans) It was like designing my own pair of jeans for $45 plus shipping. Now that I have the fit down, I’m going to order a couple more pairs in different denims and cuts.
I am also commenting on the advertising comment. I do buy True Religion and Paige jeans because the do look a lot better on my figure than any other jeans I have tried and I have tried them all. I am 5’6” and weigh about 108 and have absolutely no rear end. Those two brands of jeans actually make my rear end not look quite so flat because of the back pockets. The difference is truly amazing. I’m from a really small town and no one even knows the difference between a pair of 20 or a pair of 200 dollar jeans. So no, I am not buying them for the name! If they made jeans like those for less I would buy them.
I never understand the pull for the GAP. Their jeans have never fit my curves, and the “curvy fit” are really mom jeans. I used to joke that the GAP is about the GAP created at the derriere. I’m not a brand shopper or do not have lots of money to invest in jeans. I used to wear Levi’s until I became more womanly. Currently I love my Arizona jeans from JCPenney. They have this fabric that has some stretch but are not like tights and do not have those giveaway lines that I’m wearing slightly stretchy jeans. Plus they fit real nice, not like Express with a one inch zipper and definitely not your mom’s jeans. FYI, I love to hike, ride horses, basically wear jeans for what they are meant to be worn for and these jeans last for a few years for all the abuse they are supposed to weather.
This is a problem that doesn’t seem to go away. Let’s face it, the low rise (not ulta low) are typically more flattering. My sister found a product which helps out in alot of casual situations – it’s called the hip-T. Basically it’s the lower half of a t-shirt which goes on over your jeans and under your t-shirt. It covers the “continental divide” and give a fun layered look. It’s comfortable and also conceals the over the waistband flesh spillage you see walking about the streets. I hope the maker comes out with some fun and funky dressier hip-T’s for the holiday’s and winter. Good way to keep the chill out during a cold snap! Thought I’d pass my find along. cm
I still haven’t been able to find a pair of jeans that aren’t “mom jeans” in a while. 5’5.5”, 220 lbs, 39 waist, 52 hip, 32 thigh. Short-waisted and need a 32” inseam unless I want to look like I’m wearing cropped jeans from 2002 or so.
Style & co. seem to be the only brand that fits my waist/hip ratio, but they’re not so stylish…
I would try the Invisibelt. My friend suggested it to me because I was complaining about the gap in the back of my jeans and how they were always sliding down on me. Check it out. https://www.invisibelt.com/
Try AG (Adriano Goldschmied) jeans… the Legend cut.
I also want to recommend the company indiDenim…they provide great service and their custom jeans come out great!
I am aobut 5’6 and 132 lbs. have a defined waist and full bootie and thighs. I always have the gap problem! The mid rise jeans fit best but aren’t as fashionable. The best low rise ones I have found are Levi “Too Superlow”. I have the skinny destressed jeans. Order a size smaller than what you think you need if you have my body type. I couldn’t believe how well they fit! I am a womans sz 6 and jr size 7 and sometimes 9. These jeans come in jr sizes only. The 5’s fit me much better than the 7’s. So be sure to order a size smaller because they stretch and also hold everything in well!
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