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Beauty Icon: Billie Holiday

Updated on May 17th, 2021

The name Billie Holiday is known by people of every age everywhere and even if the specifics are unknown by some, everyone knows that she was important to music. Those more in the know might even say her contribution to jazz and pop changed music forever.

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She had a life shrouded in tragedy from rape and neglect as a child to abusive relationships with men as an adult. Drug addiction stripped her of her money, health and even her voice to some extent in later years. With the recent passing of another music icon, Whitney Houston it is easy to draw parallels. Both women becoming prodigies at 17 and making a profound influence on the music industry and later both icons suffering demise largely at the hands of drug addiction.

The Style of Billie Holiday

The Signature Look

Billie Holiday signature look

Billie Holiday was often pictured with beautiful white flowers adorning the side of her head. It is a look that has become iconic, with many celebrities in later years sporting the look including Queen Latifa and actress Paula Patton.

Hair & Make Up

Billie Holiday hair and makeup

Billie had a natural look, with emphasis on her hairstyle of choice often a side braid or a shorter curly do. She also emphasized her full lips with deep, shades of lipstick. She accessorized with earrings and necklaces, usually one piece at a time which made for a simplistic kind of glamour.

Love of Animals

Billie Holiday collage

As with many people that have tumultuous relationships with others, the companionship of an animal can be a great comfort, their unconditional love, loyalty and dedication. Billie was often pictured with her pets and it is nice to know that throughout her difficult life she at least had the love of man’s best friend.

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1 thought on “Beauty Icon: Billie Holiday”

  1. Sorry I’m late to the party … didn’t see these last year. Thanks for featuring two amazing icons, Bille Holliday and Lena Horne. Billie came up with the iconic look of the gardenia in her hair after she had an unfortunate accident with a curling iron. The iron burned her hair off, right before a performance, and she needed a way to hide the damage. A quick-thinking friend came up with the flower idea, and a new hair accessory was born. This was a great feature. I hope you repeat something like it this year.

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