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What Fashion Trends AREN’T New this Year

Updated on May 21st, 2021

This should be welcome news: You can save  a lot of  your follow-the-trends, shopping  dollars and reduce your overall clothing budget this season. How? By simply reaching into your closet and pulling out the clothes and shoes from last season.

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No fear of looking dated because some of those styles, including shoes in metallic-patent leather, have made an encore appearance.

The Season’s Best Non-New Fashion Trends

Been Around the Block

Color block skirt

The color block design this season has migrated to faux leather skirts.  This one costs about $44 at

One might have thought that by now–and this is at least the third season­–fashionistas and the designers have  tired of color block clothing, what with its in-your-face pattern.

Au contraire. Michael Kors has come out with a stunning,  color block skirt in leather. Yes, we know. At four-figures, it’s way too expensive for us Budget Fashionistas. But we’ve found a much, much cheaper version of the skirt, in mini-style, at

 The Color Orange

Pantone’s wheel of color can provide ideas on what to match with orange. Pink looks like an extension of orange, so it could be a good mixer.

Of course  you remember the “orange is the new-black” mantra (no, it wasn’t about the Netflix show due back  next year). Well, maybe orange  didn’t exactly replace black, but it’s getting a second chance now.

We say,  just like black-on-black is a fashion uniform, why not try orange-on-orange. We know of 50  shades of gray, well there must be at least 5o shades of orange in the universe. But there’s only one black. We don’t recommend you wear orange with black, especially this time of year because you might look like you were in Halloween attire.  (Sandra Bullock was recently mildly mocked for wearing a black top and orange skirt  on the Jay Leno show.)

Also brown and  green paired with orange may resemble  a pumpkin-or fall leaf-look. As long you use two very different shades of orange and add a hint of another color (just like with all-black), you can have a dynamic look. has many shades and textures of orange scarves that  could an orange dress or sweater. Many are under $20.

The Chained Danglers

Dangly chain earrings
Metal multi-strands earrings are a more streamlined style in of the long-running chandelier earrings trend. sells this sterling silver pair for about $23, discounted.

Multi-chain, dangling earrings are still popular — worn during the day and at night. They seem to be more prominent on the streets now than the chandelier earrings. The dangling chains or strands of metal earrings are a streamlined version of chandelier earrings, which usually have stones that are arranged in multi-tiers in various shapes like diamonds or triangles.

Tiptoeing  Through Another Season  

Gold or silver toe-capped shoes walk out again this season in styles including ballerina or pointed pumps. ASOS sells these for $32.02.

Shoes with the gold medal tip are still hot from last year.

Gold or silver capped toe shoes walk out again this season in styles including xxx ballet or pointed pumps. sells the pair below for $32.00. The capped toe-style shoe can be traced to Coco Chanel, whose toes were capped in leather when they first debuted.

The Tux Look

White blouse with black trim
It’s all in black and white. Yes, this silk blouse is sold by Uniqlo for $39.90, just reduced.

Blouses with black trim around the neck of the shirt and down the middle, covering the line of  buttons are repeats from last season. Some of them also are trimmed on the cuffs, but all have the formality of a tuxedo. They usually are in sheer-light fabric and are white, though beige or tan colors are also on the racks.

Shiny Metals

Gold pumps
You can’t get much more shine than with these shoes combining metallic and patent leather and a metal capped toe to boot. Zappos has these shoes in several colors for $39.90.

A few new colors have been added to the mix of metallic patent leather high-heels, but  no one has gone overboard, so the shoes shine for another season. If you thought shoes were going to be a flashy, one-season wonder, think again. The big-name shoe designers have them  in the stores. No, we can’t afford them, but it is nice to know these highly glossed, metallic walkers aren’t considered to be tacky flash.

Did we miss any fashion trends from last season that are still hot right now? Let us know in the comments!

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