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Fight the Flake: 4 Acids Your Skin Needs Now

Updated on December 16th, 2020

After one of the longest (and warmest!) summers to date, you’re not alone if you’re craving crisp, cold weather. But the temperature drop we’ve all been waiting for comes at a price. Just as heat waves come with a unique set of beauty problems, so too, does winter weather.

The dry cold creeps in and the wind starts whipping, even the healthiest skin is at risk for some dry patches. And when your normal moisturizing routine can’t seem to keep up, it’s time to turn to the big guns. You’ve likely heard the buzz around acids already, and for good reason — these powerful treatments work wonders.

Get to know five essential acids for fighting the flake, from AHAs to BHAs and beyond.

1. Glycolic Acid Skincare Products

The one acid we’re all familiar with, likely from our teen days, is salicylic acid. And much like salicylic acid, glycolic acid is an exfoliator that anyone, but especially oily and acne-prone skin types, can get behind. A gentle acid with smaller molecules that work to dissolve dead skin, glycolic acid is a great toning option between washing and moisturizing to clear anything leftover away before you hydrate.

2. Hyaluronic Acid Skincare

Hydrating clay mask
Derma-E Hydrating Mask with Hyaluronic Acid, $29.50,

Hyaluronic acid was hands-down the hero ingredient of 2017. It’s the ideal hydration booster for those who need to up the ante on their moisture game. If your skin starts looking a little parched even after your moisturizer, try adding a hyaluronic acid step in between. It’ll help your skin retain that moisture — plumping, protecting, hydrating and smoothing.

3. Lactic Acid

Lactic acid serum
The Ordinary. Lactic Acid 5% + HA 2%, $6.50, Beautylish

If glycolic is too intense, a lactic acid is your sensitive-skin BFF. Derived from milk, it provides soothing hydration as you exfoliate away the old, rough skin. This alpha hydroxy acid is also plays well with others if you’re looking for a multi-acid routine.

4. Oleic Acid

Oleaic acid skincare
StriVectin Oleic Rapid Recovery Milk, $79, StriVectin

For the extremely dry, the fatty acids found in oils can be a savior. Since oleic acids are used to soothe and repair tough skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, you know this choice is the heavy-duty option to keep your skin soft and supple.

Want more on how to keep your skin beautiful in the winter? Check out Beauty Rollers — Beating the Puffy Face This Winter!


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